Exam Section Order Question

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  • #2222359

    I’m trying to determine the best CPA Exam section order to take. I’m thinking Reg, Far, Aud, Bec. Or possibly even Reg, Aud, Far, Bec. I’m currently finishing up my last accounting class and it is Federal Taxation II covering Corporate, Property, gifts and estate taxes. Before that I just finished 2 Auditing courses that covered everything imaginable concerning Audit. However my general business, intermediates, AIS, and cost accounting courses were taken 10 years ago. I know everyone says to take FAR first but I’m hesitant. Does anyone have recommendations? How much do the concepts overlap for each exam? Like will knowing FAR very well first be essential to passing the others? I also don’t want to have to retake FAR if I exceed the 18-month window of hell. I’m sure it’s a huge relief to get the toughest (FAR) out of the way first, plus it’d be hella discouraging to not pass Reg or Aud on my first attempt after just taking courses covering lots of the material. Anyway, any info is appreciated!

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  • #2222362

    from my personal experience, accounting courses are a little different with CPA exams. I do not find what I learnt in school much helpful on cpa exams, although I made As on most of my classes.

    Like will knowing FAR very well first be essential to passing the others? — No


    highly recommend getting FAR out of the way first. Too many people end up losing credits because they save FAR until the end and then can't pass it.
    I was so strung out by the time I go to BEC, I can't imagine trying to take FAR at the end.
    Hit it first, hit it hard, get it over with.
    I found FAR topics to be relevant to AUD and BEC, some overlap.

    Hank Scorpio

    For you, I'd say take FAR first and take your time on it. FAR and AUD have some overlap so do AUD next, then focus on the rest. Good luck.

    FAR - 10/3/16
    BEC - 69 - 10/31/16
    AUD - November 2016
    REG - December 2016


    Definitely get FAR out of the way and if you can do that, the order in which you take the rest isn't that big of a deal to be honest.


    I guess I agree with FAR first. I did it the opposite with BEC, REG, AUD, and FAR last. I did it my way because those were my strongest parts and I felt I needed to get the ball rolling so to speak. I knew if I started with FAR there would be a lot of Fails and it would be hard to push myself to pass. If I could pass some sections then I felt it would encourage me to finish up. By the time I got to FAR I was dead and burnt out. I spent all my time studying…at the gym…everyday…at work. I listened to ninja recordings and rewrote my ninja notes and followed that up with becker final review. I thought I failed and continued to study after every time I took it because of the time pressure I was under. It worked for me…but not sure if I would recc. it for others. I

    The first time I took FAR I had a very low score. If I started with that well…I am not sure if I would have continued.


    For me, even though I work in tax, REG was the hardest, and my experience in tax helped a lot with that exam. I don't think it'd be a bad idea to go with REG first since that's what your current class is about, that should allow some of that complicated tax info to be fresh on your mind. After that, go with FAR, cause it's a beast and nice to get out of the way, then AUD, since there's overlap, then BEC finally, since there's also a little overlap there. But in reality, as long as you pass, there is no wrong order. For me I needed a motivator, so I passed BEC first, and that motivated me to pass the other three. There is no wrong order, just go with your gut and know that as long as you work hard and don't procrastinate, you will pass all 4 within the 18 month period.


    I definitely agree with the consensus of FAR first. Its study time would generally eat up the most of any of them of an 18th month window. Also its very helpful in AUD and BEC. Those three overlap the most and then REG is just kinda out on its own. Personally I would recommend FAR, AUD, BEC, REG (or like me FAR, BEC, AUD, REG) but if you are sure you want REG first then I would do FAR next, don't save it til last!


    I did FAR, REG, AUD, BEC.I think it was a good order. I spent the most time studying for FAR but it was also the least stressful exam to me. REG was absolutely brutal in studying and exam. If I had left it to the end I would of flat given up. I was so burnt out by time I got to BEC that it was a struggle getting through it. AUD I left exam thinking I killed it and made a 68. Now i'm just leisure studying AUD instead of trying to smash them out as quick as possible.

    Green CPA

    I would definitely recommend doing FAR before AUD. they test you on understnading of FAR concepts there


    FAR, AUD, REG, then BEC it is! Thanks for all of the helpful comments!! I didn't even consider the study time factor. Makes since to save the 3 or so months of studying FAR to the beginning before the 18 month window starts rolling. I did excellent in both Audit classes and really understand it so I might only spend a month on that, then devote all I have left on REG and BEC.


    FAR first. Then AUD. FAR helps to lay down the foundation for AUD.
    REG/BEC – doesn't really matter what order. I took REG first, because I was told BEC was the easiest section of all and I wanted to get the harder sections out of the way first. BEC ended up being my worst section though. I hated every part of BEC.

    Anyways, I ended up doing FAR -> AUD -> REG -> BEC. If I had to do it again, I would do it in the same order.

    FAR - 94 (10/4/15), Local Prep Online Lectures, BISK & NINJA MCQ
    AUD - 99 (1/19/16), Local Prep Online Lectures, BISK & NINJA MCQ
    REG - 96 (4/19/16), Local Prep Online Lectures, BISK & NINJA MCQ
    BEC - 91 (7/19/16), Local Prep Online Lectures, BISK & NINJA MCQ

    581 days of listening to lectures, reading texts & 10,000+ MCQs...

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