Exam Retake Process/Advice

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  • #2485929

    Unfortunately, I failed AUD this quarter. I have FAR passed, but the other three are still to come. I start work full time as an audit associate on August 12.

    I am trying to decide which exam(s) to try and fit in before I start work, and which to tackle at the same time as a job in public accounting (not ideal, I know). Im thinking I can do BEC during work, since it has a little bit less material than REG/AUD. I can’t decide if it’s better to try and retake AUD at the end of July and do REG during work, or the other way around. I took 2 tax courses in college (individual and corporate/p-ship) this year which I feel confident in, especially since they included all the changes with the tax cuts/jobs act and I got A’s in both. I feel like neither one would be great during work but I can’t decide, I also don’t want to burn myself out on audit but I don’t want to lose the ground work I’ve laid since studying this summer for audit already.

    I also would like a little advice on the process for reapplication for audit. Do I pretend like I am starting all over again online and pay the same fee and everything? Thanks all.

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  • #2486808

    for retaking the exam, you'll just have to get a new NTS as if you were paying for an exam you've never taken before. it's the same steps as if you're applying to take any of the exams whether you've attempted them already or not. and yes you'll have to pay the fee again =/

    if you're asking which one is easiest, as in which exam to get over with now and which ones would be better to handle while working, AUD is the easiest in my opinion. BEC has so much misc information it was pretty overwhelming (for me). however, if you failed AUD just by a couple of points, you may as well take AUD again next since it's fresh in your mind and you were so close. if you failed by like 10+ points then maybe just move to REG or BEC. you seem pretty confident for REG, but it's the hardest for me because i don't find it very interesting and its been like 6+ years since my undergrad courses.

    i guess if i were you, if i was super close to passing AUD then i'd just take AUD again now, like sooon. then study for BEC and take it before or right when you start your new job (take it in Q3), and then REG. if you failed AUD by a considerable amount, then study BEC now, then REG, then save AUD for last while you're working.

    hope this helps a little. everyone is different so my opinion may differ from others. i'm just sitting here freaking out about score release so i'm just browsing through the forum!! lol


    Thank you!! I got a 73, so not far off but obviously I need to put in work. I restarted Becker and I take it July 19, I am trying to go through everything from the beginning but it feels so repetitive which is hard to motivate myself. Is this the best process, or should I just be doing MCQ's instead since I know a good amount of the information?


    I can relate with what you're going through. I start my big 4 job in July, so I pushed myself so hard to pass FAR and REG in Q2. I was successful in both endeavors (thankfully). Now I'm trying fit AUD in before I start working. I sit for AUD on July 10th, but I feel exhausted and am lacking motivation. I am also using becker and plan to take BEC while working as well. I feel like the audit material just puts me to sleep!!!

    After thought: do you feel like becker prepared you for the AUD exam? I'm feeling so-so about it thus far.


    I’m not sure, I think for audit the MCQ’s are so much more subjective and require a lot of judgement which is harder for me than FAR where I could just understand the numbers and calculate. It’s just so exhausting, and I think Mike Brown puts me to sleep!!

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