Exam Results

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  • #1656274

    I’m not sure what it’s called because I haven’t received it, but after you pass an exam, I know you’re suppose to receive a report on how you did on your test. Well, I haven’t received mine for FAR. Has anyone received theirs for the Q3 window?

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  • #1656299

    Mine came shortly after the score release via e-mail. I'm in a NASBA state.


    Not every state does this I was told..
    I am in NY and have never received anything for any of my three exams. I believe though that NY sends something when fail just telling you whether strength was in MCQ or SIMS.

    You passed! Celebrate, be happy and move onto the next one 🙂


    @Sweet That's what it is. I am NY. I'm not worried about it so much for this one, but I was worried about not receiving it if I didn't pass one. HOPEFULLY that won't happen though.


    my state (CA) has the breakdown of your score listed as a secondary page after you view your score.


    CA used to (and I'm sure still does) posts it pretty much immediately with your score as it is posted. I don't think all states do this so you may not even get one. But either way, you passed which is all that matters so why not move on and never think about FAR again?

    FAR - 80
    AUD - 82
    BEC - 80
    REG - 85

    ETHICS - 90
    Application for California license mailed 8/4/2016


    I get it – for the first one I wanted mine too (mainly bc I thought I did better than my score). Fast forward two more exams later and I am soooo tired/bored and fed up with this CPA just give me a Pass and I am good to go! lol

    @ TommytheCat – I have my FAR scheduled for 12/2- Good Luck 🙂


    @Sweet<3 soon to be CPA Not true. NYS sent back all of my scores pass or fail within a few business day to a week. Call NASBA is you haven't got yours yet. Maybe it went to the junk folder.


    @ Anthony
    I received my score notifications but nothing about strength or weakness. The email also included credit status.

    From the email:
    “If you did not pass this examination section, performance information is provided on the back of this score notice. Please read the explanatory text carefully.”

    A pass is a pass – move onto the next one!

    @ Anthony congrats on completing all of them!


    I have not been through this process but will have taken two parts by the time Dec. 19th rolls around. I'm in NY as well. Do we receive an email with our scores, is it on CPA central, or how do we receive our scores? Also, what time are they released? I've heard of people getting their scores back at like 1 am on Dec. 19th?


    Yup! The results are usually released about 1 am (I stayed up for the Sept ones). But the first time around I didn't know all of this, lol

    Nasba will have an exam score portal – not sure if it changes each release date – pretty sure someone will post it on here at some point (in the score release section).

    Also, You will get notification by email maybe 2-3 days after the release day – saying if passed or failed. and as I showed above you only get explanations of performance if failed.

    Lastly – your NASBA account will not sure them until days after – so your best bet is to review portal on or after the release date.

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