Early steps I can take to sit for the exam in the fall?

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  • #2401902

    I plan on FAR in mid-to-late October, which will be the first section I will be sitting for. I’ll be sitting for the exam in Massachusetts, and I already have the 120 credits necessary to sit. I know you don’t want to fill out all the forms etc. too early, but I was wondering what registration-centric steps I could take now to expedite the process of getting my NTS once the fall comes around?

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  • #2401989

    Why mid to late October?


    Big 4 internship in the summer prior to grad school full time in the fall. Figure I don't want to be the intern that goes to no events so he can grind studying. Figure I'll start studying in mid August and give myself plenty of time to start the exams on a good note


    Good point. That's a solid game plan. You only get to be an intern once.
    So most NTS are good for 6 months (depending on state), and you never really know what sort of processing delays you might have, so I might suggest applying for your NTS in June.
    That would give you until December to sit for FAR, and also gets your name in the system so a re-apply for another NTS would be a simple and fast process.
    It will cost you slightly more to only do one exam on your first application, but at least you'd have a foot in the door.

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