Does it make sense to re-schedule my exam for asap- then no show?

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  • #200521

    Basically I applied to take 2 exams this window because I’m an idiot.

    Work hours jumped by more than the boss expected and now there is no way I can take both. I’m not ready for the 1st one that’s on April 2nd. (so I would like to move it til may- but then there’s no time to take the 2nd exam since june is blacked out)

    Here is my Dilema:

    My Becker expires in May. They will give me an extension for 3 months if I have my appointment confirmation for the exam at that later point.

    However I can’t re-schedule that 2nd exam for the next window until its current NTS expires which isn’t til June.

    Does it make sense to move that exam to this month just to no show/ have the NTS be used so I can then pay $268 to re-take it next window?

    My other option is paying $565 for a re-purchase of that becker section so….I think it seems like the best plan but wanted to run it by someone else first.

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  • #760379

    Do you want to take it after June? If the NTS expires in June you can use it in any window up until June when it expires.


    I do want to use it beginning of July.

    That's the problem is June is blacked out so I'd really have to take it by end of May


    If you are going to lose it either way then I don't see the problem with a no show (and it should allow you to reapply and choose another date);however if you are going to lose it anyway maybe you can just sit and see what happens. I did that when my NTS was expiring and got close to passing FAR.


    Does Becker actually allow for extensions?

    I would sit and see what happens. You might surprise yourself.

    REG Aug 20/15: 88
    AUD: Feb 29/16: 80
    FAR: Jun 10/16: 80

    Becker self-study, Becker Final Review & NINJA MCQS


    I literally haven't open FAR- I'd be shocked if I came close. I thought about it for experience but it wuold mean taking a day off work during tax time

    And yes confirmed with Becker- they will do a 3 month extension ONCE. For the specific section(s) that are scheduled for that period.


    You can call them and they will cancel that NTS which will allow you to pay for a new one and you can schedule your exam. I have seen people on the forum post about cancelling an NTS.

    AUD - 73, 72 retake 7/2/2016
    BEC - 8/20/2016
    REG - TBD
    FAR - TBD

    I am so ready for this nightmare to be over. Been at this way too long.


    But If I cancel the NTS it's going to cancel both exams on it

    and I haev to pay to re-schedule both vs. just 1 for a no show was my thinking


    What is your other section? If you really buckle down, it might be possible to get through both, just so you're not wasting your money, IF you manage your time properly.


    I would not think it would cancel both since each exam has its own exam ID right? They could cancel that specific exam ID you want cancelled.

    I would just call and talk to them to see what they can do for you.Or you can go with your first option to schedule it for now and just be a no show.

    AUD - 73, 72 retake 7/2/2016
    BEC - 8/20/2016
    REG - TBD
    FAR - TBD

    I am so ready for this nightmare to be over. Been at this way too long.


    Which tests are you considering? If it's (BEC or AUD) + another section, I think you could pass with only using the Becker book + Ninja MC.

    I think the entire Becker course would be nice to have for FAR and REG. But for the others, the Becker book + Ninja MC is good enough.

    If possible, take 1 exam next window and (hopefully that could be FAR or REG.)

    I've used Becker for all 4 sections. For AUD and BEC, I purcahsed Ninja MC.

    Motivated by JC. I do it to make God proud.

    FAR: 91 July 2015
    AUD: 83 October 2015
    REG: 81 January 2016
    BEC: 83 February 2016

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