Do CPA Exam Scores Expire? All four Parts passed.

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  • #3309859


    I’m in the state of CT (NASBA state). I have worked in various not-for-profits and governmental agencies within my state. Unfortunately, non of these organizations have provided me the opportunities of working under an active CPA. The last place I’ve worked, had a CPA, who didn’t maintain his license (he didn’t want to pay the yearly astronomical fees).

    I’m wondering if the exam scores ever expire. I’ll have to call my state’s society of certified accountants, but I’m a little nervous, after reading a few posts that state their’s a 5 year maximum to gain experience after passing the exam. Right after passing the exam, I tried to get into public accounting, but to no avail. I even did an internship, but was told the firm wasn’t hiring.

    Now I’m nervous my scores might be invalid. This might be pretty brutal news – all that work for nothing. I feel a little comfort at the fact that on NASBAs website, it outright states that the scores don’t expire. Worse case, I can probably apply through a state, where the scores don’t expire?

    Thinking about trying to get into a CPA firm doing consulting work or something like that, then trying to do enough audit work to gain experience that way.

    B=84 This exam was such a b**** that I thought I failed-don't know how these things work
    A=76 Slacker I am, I'll happily take it
    R=81 I LOVE taxes
    F=80 I don't wanna get banned for an expletive I'm thinking with "yea" proceeding it

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  • Author
  • #3311062
    Ninja Albert

    I don't get it, your asking if the CPOA exams expire prior you doing the 150 credit or required hours? Last I heard not for a reliable source though that it doesn't expire here in NY)

    Yes I think AUDit work will suffice, I hope the scores by you don't expire, Im sure you worked really hard to get where you at. Just get those hours and credit quickly its worth the rush!

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