@lilac, Maybe the difference in the two dreams is the weighting, maybe 74 unweighted, 84 weighted?….
Had a couple dreams. The first one after FAR, there was a ticket in my hand and I looked down and it said, “Congratulations, you passed.” The scene shifted and there was a big auditorium with candidates in all of these seats facing different directions. Inside the auditorium there were CPAs standing along the top row. Creepy, because some of them had totally blacked out eyes, like there was no white in their eyes, just black. Then the scene shifted again and all of the candidates were in the water. There were for or five swimming in the water and I had the thought that these were the ones who did exceptionally well. These four were swimming like dolphins in the water.
After REG a month later I had a dream that I passed with a 78. Then I was talking to a partner at an accounting firm and I said that I passed the first two on the first attempt. He looked at me without emotion and said, “Yeah, but you are unhealthy.” I replied, “Yes, I have been isolated for the last three months doing nothing but studying.”
Then I had a strange dream like accountingmisfit where I had submitted a test that was left totally blank. Then I went back to take it again. That dream went on for a while, but I can't remember any details, other than waking up freaking out that it meant I didn't pass.
Before the first two dreams, I couldn't stop thinking about what I got and wondering, worrying, and trying to figure out how I did. I kept praying to Jesus to give me a dream and he did. I sure hope that they are correct and not false dreams of my hope.