CPA Haunting Your Dreams?

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  • #1630378

    I had three separate nightmares last night pertaining to the CPA score release. I’ve passed 3 sections so for and am waiting on my AUD score Tuesday. The first nightmare was like I hadn’t taken the test yet and I overslept and prometric had no spots available within a 300 mile radius of me before the end of the test window. The second nightmare was while I was taking the test and the prometric lady thought I was cheating and forced me to submit my test with only one testlet complete. The third nightmare was score release day and I got a 74.

    Has anyone else ever had bad CPA dreams?

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  • #1630408

    I had a dream last night I got an 84 on FAR. Not sure which is worse cause I woke up really disappointed lol


    My dream was looking around for a restroom everywhere, then realize there should be one inside the building, When got there, the door was locked! now looked at us, on Sunday morning, looking for comfort here, whatever the reason might be!


    Last night I had a dream within a dream. I dreamt that I passed FAR with an 84. But then, I realized that I was dreaming. I woke up, in my dream, to learn that I had failed FAR with a 74. Guess I'm relieved to know that I am not the only one.


    Oh this is great. A few nights ago I had a dream I was knee deep in FAR sims flying through tons of docs sweating with a fever in my sleep. It was terrible.



    That sounds terrifying…always makes it seem more real when you're dreaming within a dream. I hope you passed!


    I have to ask…what is disappointing about an 84 on FAR?


    @accountingmisfit, Oh I got his dream right away. He was disappointed that it was only a dream.

    cpApex Predator

    @lilac, Maybe the difference in the two dreams is the weighting, maybe 74 unweighted, 84 weighted?….

    Had a couple dreams. The first one after FAR, there was a ticket in my hand and I looked down and it said, “Congratulations, you passed.” The scene shifted and there was a big auditorium with candidates in all of these seats facing different directions. Inside the auditorium there were CPAs standing along the top row. Creepy, because some of them had totally blacked out eyes, like there was no white in their eyes, just black. Then the scene shifted again and all of the candidates were in the water. There were for or five swimming in the water and I had the thought that these were the ones who did exceptionally well. These four were swimming like dolphins in the water.

    After REG a month later I had a dream that I passed with a 78. Then I was talking to a partner at an accounting firm and I said that I passed the first two on the first attempt. He looked at me without emotion and said, “Yeah, but you are unhealthy.” I replied, “Yes, I have been isolated for the last three months doing nothing but studying.”

    Then I had a strange dream like accountingmisfit where I had submitted a test that was left totally blank. Then I went back to take it again. That dream went on for a while, but I can't remember any details, other than waking up freaking out that it meant I didn't pass.

    Before the first two dreams, I couldn't stop thinking about what I got and wondering, worrying, and trying to figure out how I did. I kept praying to Jesus to give me a dream and he did. I sure hope that they are correct and not false dreams of my hope.


    Woke up at 3am trying to check my scores this morning… What am I going to worry about when this is over?

    AUD - 8/12/16
    REG - 10/7/16
    BEC - 11/18/16
    FAR - TBD

    #300before30 - Pass the CPA exam before my 30th Birthday.


    On score release date I had a dream that I got an 85 on REG.. only to find out I got a 58

    AUD - 83 (5/13/16)
    FAR - 77 (7/20/16)
    BEC - (8/12/16)
    REG - (10/15/16)



    That makes so much more sense…I thought he was trying to say an 84 wasn't good enough.


    I had a dream right after I took FAR in August that I got my scores back and scored a 158… yes, a 158… on REG… which I haven't even taken yet. Guess my brain is pretty bamboozled. Also, barely slept last night. I kept waking up every few hours thinking “CHECK YOUR SCORE” even though the release isn't until tonight. Ah, this is fun….


    I had a dream that I passed FAR. But then I woke up and realized I haven't even taken FAR yet….


    I was up all night last night worrying about these scores. I'm supposed to find out about FAR and AUD, I walked out of FAR almost in tears and I've been having a recurring nightmare that I received the lowest score ever recorded in CPA examination history and they publish the score to shame me and EVERYONE finds out about it and makes fun of me. I have to keep reminding myself every day that even if I fail an exam or two I'm still smarter than most of the people I know, that doesn't stop me from waking up in a panic and a sweat convinced that I'm never going to pass and it will be humiliating and I'm going to go nowhere in life. Shoot, over half the people that I started accounting classes with either had to change their major to something easier, are stuck working dead end book keeping jobs, or gave up on using their accounting degree after one bad job experience and work at minimum wage jobs. If you didn't have anxiety issues before these exams sure will give them to you.

    shawn in VA

    ” If you didn't have anxiety issues before these exams sure will give them to you. “…from the poster above.

    This describes me very well–never had anxiety issues until I got 2 74's in a row on BEC. I had to see the doctor and was given XANAX. It has helped with anxiety but the true “test” to see if the meds are working is in 15 hours when my BEC and AUD score are released. I check 6 AM when I wake up…


    Yeah, if the results aren't good tomorrow I don't know how I'm going to gather myself well enough to get through a day of work.

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