CPA Exams with Extra Study or More Coursework?

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  • #1584907

    Hey all,

    I work in a consulting field very similar to accounting and we often lose work to CPAs. Seriously considering the exams as I actually qualify for non-reporting in my state with a JD/MBA. However, it’s been almost a decade since I took any specific accounting courses, and when I did I took the bare minimum as a business major (financial, managerial, audit, tax) without any intermediate or advanced courses in anything that a regular accounting major would take.

    So… are the exams doable with extra study (maybe 150 hours instead of 80-100) or should I go back and take some additional accounting courses? Considering the time and cost of tuition I am leaning towards just studying more. There are some great threads here and elsewhere on older candidates like me but surprisingly few from those who did not take or really don’t remember much of the core classes.

    Thanks so much!

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  • #1584916

    What state are you in? MA recently (in the last month) stopped the non reporting license if thats the state you're in.

    Licensed Massachusetts Non Reporting CPA since 2012
    Finance/Admin/HR Manager


    Yes, MA. Can you provide a link about the non-reporting license ending in MA? I can't find anything it's still in regulation the MA websites and FAQs. If this is the case would I still be able to sit and then get the experience later? Hopefully it's like the education where you can sit with certain courses and take remaining credits within three years of passing.


    There are links within this link that are official but here's the details…….

    Licensed Massachusetts Non Reporting CPA since 2012
    Finance/Admin/HR Manager


    Thanks, Missy. This is incredibly helpful and I'm glad you let me know. Hopefully my current work and the CPAs I work with can satisfy the work requirements but I need to look into all this more.

    Do you (or anyone else in the forum) have an opinion on whether I am too far removed from relevant coursework to take the exams? Assuming I can satisfy the new experience requirements I am still confused about whether my sparse accounting coursework is enough preparation to jump into CPA exam prep or if I need to take some additional classes. I really don't want to lose more time and money just to take classes, especially since I already have graduate degrees (just not directly in accounting). I am hoping my ability to prepare for each section with 100-150 hours would be good enough but I want to be realistic.


    I don't think recent academic/college coursework is an advantage to the exams, recent grads put in as many hours as candidates who've been out of school ten or more years. I think everything you need is in a solid review course.

    You may well need more accounting specific coursework to be eligible for the exam but if you've got the right configuration of credits (its clear you have enough in general but I can't recall if 3 credits have to be specifically in audit for example) you need not go back to school.

    Licensed Massachusetts Non Reporting CPA since 2012
    Finance/Admin/HR Manager

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