CPA Application AFTER passing exams – could it be rejected?

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  • #2741322

    I passed all 4 exams then asked my former employer to help me finish the paperwork. In my state only 2 pages on the application are notarized. So after I gathered all the materials to send in, I noticed that on one of the notarized pages, the notary handwrote the wrong date, accidentally of course. I didn’t want to go back to them AGAIN, so I just used white out on the 2 incorrect numbers and wrote back in the correct numbers. Then I sent it in to the state board.

    After talking with some people about this, I was informed that using white out on notarized documents. Now I am scrambling to try and get the package back from the state board before they open it, because I don’t want to go through the process only to be denied, and have to go back to my former employer and do it all again, not to mention they could notice the white out and open an investigation. I really just didn’t know… I’ve never had anything notarized before.

    Do any of you have any sort of comparable experience where you can tell me whether I should/shouldn’t worry or what I should do in this situation if it’s different from what I’m describing? Thanks.

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  • #2741403

    I would probably not worry too much about it. You seem to have a valid explanation, and I would be afraid causing a fuss over it might cause you more harm than just letting it ride at this point.


    I'm not sure if I should try and get the package back before they open it, because if it goes through a whole review process, that's going to delay my licensure if it's rejected and I need to start over. Whereas if I get it back, and make the correction, it will just delay a few days while I revise and resend.

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