Coronavirus? - Page 2

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  • #2948739

    How do you guys think the Coronavirus will impact exam testing the next few weeks? Hardly any impact? Maybe just a higher than usual number of people coughing around you in the test room? Or maybe cancel some exams? Or at least rescheduling? Think I’ll be able to re-schedule my FAR exam and save my horribly unprepared arse? 😀

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  • #2949305

    Hahaha the Office was brilliant!


    I'm taking an N95 mask which I heard is the one that will block out the virus. I read the regular mask doesn't do much to protect.

    Biff Tannen

    I recently went to Mexico and had a few Corona beers but I haven’t felt sick or had any flu symptoms. I guess I got lucky


    I know we like to compare this to the common flu but everyone has to remember that we currently don't have a vaccine for the coronavirus but we do for the flu. So comparing total deaths between the two is an apples and oranges comparison because the flu vaccine prevents a lot of people from getting sick in the first place. A lot more people will get the coronavirus than the common flu because of the lack of a vaccine. So even if they have the same mortality rate (reports are saying the coronavirus is slightly higher), the lack of a vaccine could make the coronavirus more deadly (more deaths) than the common flu.


    I'm taking an N95 mask which I heard is the one that will block out the virus. I read the regular mask doesn't do much to protect.

    N95 masks are more effective than other masks when correctly fitted and the person has been trained to wear it (healthcare workers have to have their fit tested at least annually), but all the general public is doing by buying them is creating a shortage for healthcare workers who actually need them. Please don't.

    A testing center is not a high-risk environment – there isn't much close contact, and it's easy to clean stations. Don't put your hands in your mouth while you're testing. Don't lick the mouse or keyboard. Don't kiss the prometric staff to celebrate being done. Wash your hands during break before you snack and after you finish before you leave the center. If you're stressed, ask if they have a clorox wipe that you can use on the desk and mouse when you're being seated. Now go study for your exam.


    The flu vaccine is typically less than 50% effective, so I'm not too sure how much good it actually does.
    But valid point.


    The CPA exam is graded using IRT theory (item response theory) and psychometric scoring. Dumbed down, what this means is two candidates can get 7/10 on the exam and get two completely different scores, with one examiner scoring 85 and the other scoring a 62. At times, it can be that different.

    The candidate that scored 85 simply got more of the “right” questions right against the population.

    IRT theory and psychometric scoring together can allow the examiners to use different benchmarks even to score the exam. This is done so that the value of the license does not diminish and the market does not become flooded licensed CPA's.

    In addition, we are actually due for a pandemic based on historical and scientific factors.

    Pretty much, with the rise of the coronavirus, hopefully there will be a need for more licensed CPA's due to the rising mortality rate making it “easier” for US to pass the exam.

    AND I MEAN US, the NORMAL ones. The ones with JOBS, responsibilities, priorities. US of regular intelligence just trying to make it day by day and make something out of our short time on this planet.

    So wash your hands, and keep at it you guys. That is all.


    @AusNat you’re 15 minutes of fame has arrived on Going Concern – you’ve been quoted

    you’re funny….

    FAR 7/25/15 76!
    AUD 10/30/15 93
    BEC 2/27/16 82
    REG 5/23/16 88!
    Ninja Book and MCQ and the forum - all the way!!!
    and a little thing i like to call, time and effort!
    if you want things to change, you have to do something different


    Looks like Washington state closed a bunch of centers today. I’m taking it in Manhattan on Monday but looks like NYC centers are staying open.

    Biff Tannen

    I’ll probably enjoy a cold corona after I pass my last section. Hopefully I don’t catch the virus


    Just got the voicemail reminder of my FAR test tomorrow. Looks like Corona isn't enough to close in MA and save me from another fail… :'-(


    Having to keep track of the coronavirus spread over the last 10 days, in hopes that it won't force closing of prometric centers has not been welcome added anxiety.

    Which is quite stupid by the way. The centers should remain open.


    “The centers should remain open.”

    No they shouldn't, not if there's a good chance of exposure. Prometric centers are especially at-risk given that you're basically using computers and desks touched by multiple other people every day. Shared computer keyboards are more germ-covered than the average toilet.

    Nothing stupid at all about closing up.

    Ralphie Dos Nachos

    If this was mid-way through the test window, I'd be very concerned. I think they're trying to stick it out as fortunately there's only a few more days left in the window.

    Biff Tannen

    @Tiramisu good luck on your reg exam. I have mine on Monday

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