The CPA exam is graded using IRT theory (item response theory) and psychometric scoring. Dumbed down, what this means is two candidates can get 7/10 on the exam and get two completely different scores, with one examiner scoring 85 and the other scoring a 62. At times, it can be that different.
The candidate that scored 85 simply got more of the “right” questions right against the population.
IRT theory and psychometric scoring together can allow the examiners to use different benchmarks even to score the exam. This is done so that the value of the license does not diminish and the market does not become flooded licensed CPA's.
In addition, we are actually due for a pandemic based on historical and scientific factors.
Pretty much, with the rise of the coronavirus, hopefully there will be a need for more licensed CPA's due to the rising mortality rate making it “easier” for US to pass the exam.
AND I MEAN US, the NORMAL ones. The ones with JOBS, responsibilities, priorities. US of regular intelligence just trying to make it day by day and make something out of our short time on this planet.
So wash your hands, and keep at it you guys. That is all.