Concerned Transcripts Will Be Misplaced

  • Creator
  • #1554511
    Ralphie Dos Nachos

    Hey guys,

    I called my school to send my transcripts and I gave them address found on the NASBA website under contact us:

    National Association of State Boards of Accountancy
    150 Fourth Ave. North, Ste. 700
    Nashville, TN 37219-2417

    But when I applied online afterwards, they gave me the address on my receipt to send transcripts to:

    NY Coordinator
    CPA Examination Services
    P.O. Box 198469
    Nashville, TN 37219-8469

    I called up NASBA saying will this be an issue and they said no. But should I really believe them? Or should I ask my school to send it the NY Coordinator one?

    thank you!!

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  • Author
  • #1554520

    I believe it took just a week or two to be able to confirm they had my transcripts, so I would wait about two weeks and if it's not obvious when you sign in to NASBA's website, I would contact them to verify that they have received the transcipt. If not, then I would have it resent. Start studying in the meantime! Your life is about to get awesome.


    @social-reject this is your second post with the same question. You called and emailed. What else is there to do?

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