Bouncing Back After Back To Back Fails

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  • #1633165

    Just got hit with a low score on AUD, really hurts because I felt pretty good taking the exam and even finished early. This will be my third fail in a row which is crushing my confidence right now. I’m right in the middle of studying for FAR and wondering if I can actually do this.

    Anybody else get hit with back to back fails? How did you find the strength to keep going? Did you change up your studying at all?

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  • #1633310

    Just got my Audit score back (4th attempt) and got a similar score. I feel like I've invested so much time and money in this venture the idea of quitting pains me more than continuing. I lost my BEC credit before, retook it and passed. It sucks – yes – but because others have done it, I know it's possible! I have a coworker who recently made manager and she took REG 5 times before passing.

    Kewl Dewd

    I feel your pain trust me – took REG in October 2016 and then again in July 2017 & wound up failing it both times with a 65. I was really bummed out initially after getting my score but reading posts like this lets me know that this exam is very difficult and demanding. Also, reading your posts tells me that this thing is passable if you put the work in. Good luck to you sir and lets pass these things.


    I'm in a similar boat. I've failed far twice in a row with low scores. Just have to get back up on the horse and hit it again in a different way. It's not impossible, just very tedious!


    In Q1 I got a 74 on BEC and then had to take AUD a couple weeks later after swallowing that pill and scored a 74 on that too. Words can't really explain how badly that hurt. I could've been done and avoided the new format but here I was stuck 2 points away from passing all the exams. Took me a while to dust myself off and I retook AUD in Q2 and BEC in Q3 and the rest is history. Stick with it!


    Just tell yourself you're either going to pass all of these exams or die, whichever comes first. It sucks failing back to back, I know. Audit was killing me.

    Just keep doing MCQ like your life depends on it. At some point I realized how to figure out what each question was asking based on a few keywords. That's half the battle with Audit. The other half is knowing the answer.

    FAR: 66, 75
    AUD: 67, 69, 70, 74, 74
    REG: 71, 79
    BEC: 73

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