Bombed REG - Page 2

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  • #200272

    51 on REG – ouch….

    I felt like I bombed that test and now I can confirm my feelings.

    Unfortunately, with that score, I don’t even know where to begin on restudying. I used NINJA solely on this so part of me wants to try something else. I hit 2000+ MCQ but maybe I just need to go back in hit it some more? I know I really dropped the ball on the SIMs so maybe I need to hit those hard as well?

    Anyways…definitely bummed our right knowing I wasted so much time over the last few months for a 51…

    Oh well…try try again I suppose…

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  • #759087

    eschierm, how come you did not use Roger for Reg the same way you did for BEC? I dont know if ninja is enough for REG. You might need more examples and explanations.

    Through God all things can happen!

    “You never fail until you stop trying.”
    ― Albert Einstein
    When I was young, I used to admire intelligent people;as I grow older, I admire kind people.
    “Just keep swimming, just keep swimming.”

    FAR= 72-84
    Audit= 73-82
    BEC= 74-75


    @Spartans I used Yaeger lectures the first time around and felt like I wasn't understanding their explanations properly. My fiance (current CPA) had previous year Becker materials so I started watching those videos. They really helped me a lot more with their mnemonics and I felt like they just broke certain things down for me a lot better.

    I was also struggling a lot with governmental and not-for-profit accounting. At the time I worked for the state of Tennessee so I went over the financial statements from the previous year just to see how everything was accounted for, and that really helped me a lot. I also looked at the areas I struggled in during the first exam and focused especially on those areas. I did hundreds of MCQs from Yaeger and Becker, and lots of simulations too.

    I think the thing that I just focused on the most was the actual test taking. I have a tendency to rush through things and not read the whole question. With FAR you REALLY have to pay attention to details like the date in the problem (like half year depreciation), if they use specific words (not, only, always, never), etc. So I really just had to slow myself down to read the entire question and really understand what they were asking before I even looked at the answers. Just my 2 cents but I'm sure you'll do great!

    FAR: 70, 77
    REG: 80
    BEC: 85
    AUD: 70, 68, 72, retake 4/2016

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