@AmorD where are you getting this information?
“Each AL actual score is 6.7 for REG and 5.7 for both FAR and AUD.”
If you are simply dividing 40 points from REG sims by 6 total to get 6.7 you are making 2 erroneous assumptions.
Assumption 1 : that when the examiners say the test is 60% MCQ and 40% SIMS that does NOT mean its 60 points 40 points. This is not a percentage scored test. The AICPA website stresses that over and over again.
Assumption 2: You are assuming all Sims within the 40% are graded equally. That again is a misconception. I can get an easy SIM and you can get a hard one. And they are not all created equally.
The fact is, NO ONE knows how research SIMS are graded.
We all would like to get a simpler picture of the CPA exam grading in our mind. We all would like to extrapolate our score. WE all have taken 60 possible multiple choice points and divided them by 72 questions -12 pretest to assume that each one is worth 1 point. That is a waste of time.
Again, I repeat, that is an exercise in FUTILITY and I urge everyone on these forums not to partake in this, because you are only going to drive yourself mad. Here is a guide on how the exam is scored. This is the only clue we have in as to how the AICPA grades these exams. But their methodology is notoriously convoluted, and CANNOT, i repeat CANNOT, be replicated by frustrated candidates.