Blue Watermelons

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  • #1506136

    So. Here’s the situation. No. this post has nothing to do with blue watermelons, unless there’s a deduction for blue watermelons donated to a charitable organization. I’m Trending in Reg in the 80s, have a total average score of 63%. I’ve seen all but about half of the questions. My exam is on Friday. Should I practice

    1. MCQ – Generated with Jeff’s magic algorithm.
    2. New Questions – Never before seen!
    3. Missed last time seen
    4. Trouble questions.

    Which of these would you suggest I spend the most time on? My test is on Friday FYI.

    Thanks ninjas and ninjas-to-be

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  • Author
  • #1506244

    We're in the same situation…I'm taking REG on Friday, too, and have done about half the NINJA MCQs.

    My plan is to narrow down my focus to the individual sections on which I have scored less than 70%. I may do all of the MCQs for that section if there aren't too many, or just 20-25% of them.

    Then I'm going to review “missed last time seen” and “trouble questions”.

    Next I'm going to practice SIMs. I hate SIMs so that tells me I need to practice them!

    Finally I will just do small batches of a combination of MCQs to keep everything fresh.


    I always just used Jeff's algo.


    And to think, i was willing to trade one of my pet Smurfs for one of those Blue Watermelons : (

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