Best thing in my life happened 12 days ago, but now I'm freaking out!

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  • #200104

    12 days ago my son was born and it was the most amazing experience of my life. He is so perfect and I am amazed that my wife and I created something so beautiful. It was such a life changing event that it made me drop everything and focus on him and my wife since he was born and studying really wasn’t a priority like it was before.

    Now here’s where I’m freaking out. I’m taking my first exam on 2/29 and I’m starting to panic because I’ve only made it through roughly half the Ninja mcq and still have to get through some major topics like Cash Flow, Gov/NFP, and Consolidations. I’m averaging 55% and trending 58% and don’t see how I’m going to raise it to the recommended trending number. I was on a nice pace of studying before he was born, but it’s taken a big drop since then. I was hoping the 2 weeks I took off from work would give me some extra time to study, but it was the complete opposite.

    There’s been so many people coming over to visit and my lack of sleep has made whatever time I do have to study less effective since I’m usually exhausted. I’m not going to reschedule since it’s the last day of the window and I would rather get the experience of taking the exam so I know what it’s like. What would be my best plan of attack going forward? Keep hammering out MCQ and mix in some sims? I wanted to rewrite the ninja notes and maybe take a practice exam, but I feel that would be an ineffective use of time.

    FAR: 75 Roger & Ninja (notes/flashcards/audio/MCQ)
    AUD: 73, 81
    BEC: 71, retake 8/29

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  • #758194

    I think hammering out Ninja MCQ will be the general consensus here

    AUD 93 Jan 16
    BEC 83 Feb 16
    FAR 83 Apr 16
    REG 84 May 16

    99% Ninja MCQ only


    When does your NTS expire? Since you have no passed sections that the clock is ticking on can you push it out to April?

    Licensed Massachusetts Non Reporting CPA since 2012
    Finance/Admin/HR Manager


    I agree with mla, don;t be afraid to push it back since it's your first one.



    My general advice: You can do a LOT in 2 weeks to raise your scores. My specific advice: Realistically, how much more do you think you'll be able to study with a 3 and 4 week old baby, while working, compared to with a 0-2 week old baby while not working? If you think you can (with your wife's commitment to the plan too!) for the next 2 weeks focus on studying instead of the baby, then you can probably get your MCQ scores up to a good place for taking the exam, and have a pretty good shot at it 2/29. However, if you (or your wife) think that putting studying before the baby for the next 2 weeks isn't going to be the right choice, then either push out the exam date to April, or view the 2/29 exam simply as a “See what the exams are like” practice run.

    My advice would be to decide now to pick 1 of 3 options: 1. Commit fully to the 2/29 date. Hammer out MCQs and raise those scores. It can be done in 2 weeks, but will require mostly ignoring wife and baby. Make sure wife is on board if you pick this option. 2. Decide 2/29 will just be a sample test (which means you're throwing away your testing fee, but may be worth it to you), and don't worry about studying at all. If you get bored, you can study, but wife, baby, and sleep are all higher priorities. 3. Push the exam date to the next window, take a couple/few more weeks to focus on the wife and baby, and then work out a study schedule that works with a new baby in the house.

    Trying to combine 1 and 2 – not planning to have 2/29 be a serious test, but still trying to study halfway seriously – is likely to just frustrate you (you'll be halfway hoping for a miracle, and disappointed when you fail), your wife (she'll be upset that you're studying when you aren't even likely to pass), and your ability to operate in the rest of life. I really think you need to pick one of the 3 and stick to just 1 of them. Which is the best option depends on specific circumstances in your life that none of us are privy to, but I don't see any way to combine them.


    Reschedule it for next window. Get some sleep and help your wife for a few more weeks then reset the clock to 6 weeks on your studies.


    Thank you all for the advice. Lilla, I appreciate your thorough response and input. Before he was born I was studying anywhere from 20-25 hours a week. If I bear down I can do that again these next 2 weeks and I'm planning on taking off Thursday and Friday before the exam to do some serious cramming.

    I won't be discouraged if I end up failing and it will only motivate me to work harder for my retake. I'm not worried about having to pay for the exam again and would rather see where I stand after taking it since I really have nothing to lose at this point. Fortunately, I'll only have to wait 9 days for my score so if I keep studying I should be able to retake it in early April and give myself enough time to study for AUD at the end of May.

    FAR: 75 Roger & Ninja (notes/flashcards/audio/MCQ)
    AUD: 73, 81
    BEC: 71, retake 8/29


    Well, Congrats on the new baby…..Realistically, you're going to continue to be excited about your son. Any new father would be, with that said, take it in April if you can. It will give you time with your wife, family, and all the well wishers to the addition. your wife will want to rest and tell everyone to go home, then you can study…you still won't sleep because baby won't sleep so study while she's feeding, do a few mcq's on your phone or ipad or what ever you have. Or listen to audio (if you have it)

    The point is discipline, no one cares about your test right now (but you), everyone is excited about jr. Embrace it, reschedule to keep from wasting exam fee and be ready April 1. If this is not an option, well start the coffee pot and good-bye sleep, family, and cuddling jr. (for now anyway). It will take discipline to tear away from the festivity and study.

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader....ready to pass


    Woohoo, congratulations!

    If you were my son or son-in-law, I'd tell you this:

    Reschedule the test. FAR will always be there. Your baby will not always be a newborn. Do yourself, your marriage, and your family a favor. You will never regret spending this precious time with them.

    BEC: Fall 2016
    AUD: Spring 2016
    REG: Summer 2016

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