BEC in 20 days

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  • #1692937

    Hi guys,

    I’m taking BEC on February 3rd, and am getting really nervous that I won’t be able to pass. I’m about halfway through B3 (Becker), and have managed to get a pretty good grasp of cost accounting so far. However, B1 and B2 were nightmares for me. I was getting in the 60’s and 70’s on the homeworks, where I’ve usually been able to get 75’s and above on all of my homeworks on the first try for past sections. BEC was supposed to be the easiest of the four sections, but it’s turning out to be my weakest area.

    Here’s my bind, though. I was stupid and put off the last two sections of the test, and now my credit for FAR will expire at the end of February. There’s no way I can move my test back at this point, since my firm’s ‘busy season’ starts the week before my exam. The partners were nice enough to let me have the Thursday and Friday off before my test, but I’m still worried there’s not going to be enough time to finish all of the sections and leave myself enough time to review.

    If FAR expires, I might just move into a van down by the river and live out my life eating government cheese. There are even more changes coming up for that section in Q2, and thinking about having to retake it makes me want to cry. Is there any chance of me passing BEC with my timeline given where I’m at right now? People have told me to bypass the videos and just grind out MCQ, but it’s personally not very effective to try learning through doing problems over and over. I generally need to understand the concepts behind things, otherwise I’ll just make stupid mistakes trying to re-create the MCQ problems I practiced when taking the exam.

    Have any of you guys been able to knock out BEC in a short time frame? If so, any advice is much appreciated. It looks like the pass rates for BEC were up after the changes last year, so I’m really nervous that they’re going to overcompensate and make it impossible to pass. Thanks in advance for any help

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  • #1692940

    The way I look at it-you are half way through studying if you can grind through B4-6 (those are econ and IT if I remember) so just push through those and jump into MCQ non stop until the time you have to take the test-I think you should be fine. B1-B3 were the worst ones from what I remember.


    That's good to hear. The lectures looked shorter and there are less MCQ, which will help. I was so surprised that REG's videos were sometimes 20-25 minutes long, and literally every BEC video so far has been 50-55 minutes. It's taken so long to get through B1-B3. Were econ or IT tricky at all?


    Just keep pushing through it and I think you'll be ok. I took with about 5 weeks in December, but I cut corners towards the end and didn't have a good enough grasp on the material. This time I went back through the Wiley book and now I'm hammering MCQs. I don't feel confident yet, but I feel better than I did last time. I agree with @anyatver just keep working through the material if that's what works best for you. You still have 3 weeks to get it done.

    AUD - 56 - 68 - 61 - 9/8/16
    REG - 75
    FAR - 7/15/16
    BEC - TBD

    Wiley CPAexcel and NINJA 10 Point Combo


    Did you feel like you forgot everything when you were reviewing? I took a look back through my B1 and B2 notes, and I feel like I couldn't tell you the first thing about half of that stuff. Getting really worried lol


    Forgetting what you have done in the beginning is inevitable but it will come back to you! One way to to combat that is do progress tests. So once you have done B3, do a progress test for B1-B3, say 50 questions, it will let you know what you are good at and what needs to be reviewed. DO this after each chapter and it will help you keep reviewing while pushing forward. I have done 33 questions to mimick a testlet-it's manageable timewise and gets the job done the same!

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