Audio Lectures

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  • #1275496

    I currently spend roughly 8 hours a week in traffic commuting to and from work. I have purchased Becker and I like it, but much of their video lectures are text based and don’t work so well while driving. Can’t exactly underline, then circle, then highlight while driving down I-10. I’m looking for an audio book that uses similar verbiage as Becker and hopefully either covers topics in a similar order or allows for the easy selection of sections relating to where I am in the Becker course work. Thanks in advance for the suggestions.

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  • #1275516

    what about Becker's audio version or ninja audio?

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader....ready to pass


    In what I have seen on their website they only offer Flashcards, Final Review Software, and MCQ as extra help over what their courses offer. I am considering the Ninja audio just curious how well it works in tandem with Becker.


    @damaniam , I would get Ninja Audio. I purchased it for REG, and it has really helped me be efficient with my commute time (roughly 45 min one-way, so 1.5 hours for 5 days a week). It seems steep ($97), but could be worth it – especially if I pass REG!


    @Go.For.Broke , Its not that steep. Roger's is $115. Also in the past I purchased the AUD audio lectures from SuperFastCPA and wasn't very satisfied. The content was too general and aside from the person talking being monotone the production quality was lacking. You'd hear numerous misstatements, coughs, and speaking confusion. I felt like that, while cheaper was a false economy.


    If the issue with Becker's video lectures is just the inability to circle/highlight/etc., then I'd be tempted to recommend just listening to Becker's video lectures while driving and ignoring the suggestions to circle/highlight/etc. The value of doing those thing is questionable at best in my mind, so I don't think you're missing that much. However, if you use the commute time as “review listening”, then you'd already have it underlined/circled/etc. in your book at home.

    My trouble with audio lectures was being unable to picture the equations and other number-based things that were being presented; I guess I need to see while I'm being told when it comes to numbers. You didn't mention which section you're studying for right now, so not sure how numbers-intensive it is, but if you could listen while driving to the Becker sections that you studied over the weekend, or study non-numbers sections solely while driving, etc., then it might enable you to get some additional re-cap, just without the underlining at the same time.

    I do think that listening while driving would require 2 or 3 listen-throughs before it would be as quality of learning as a single watch when you're fully devoted, or at least that was my experience.


    I recently sat for AUD 10/13/16. I sat for FAR last year and got the bad news of just how unprepared I was in the form of a 63. Long delay since then, but I felt more comfortable in my last exam. When you're got a lot of “life” happening it is frustrating to be doing squat while sitting in traffic when you're scrapping up minutes to get study in. I do understand what you were saying where concepts would be good for audio but equations not so much. I am leaning towards moving back to FAR, provided I get good new 11/4/16. I'm okay with an audio lecture that doesn't run in the same order provided it is broken down in to small enough topic sections that I can line it up with Becker equivalent. The Ninja trial lectures are so much better than the aforementioned waste of money, its unreal, but if I am to spend more money I'd like to get the most bang for my buck.


    Even in a more numbers-focused exam like FAR, there's still conceptual aspects, and if you listen to the audio, you can learn the concepts whether you can learn the numbers while driving or not. NINJA FAR audio is 3 hours long; with 8 hours of weekly commute, you'll listen to it nearly 3 times a week, if you listen to it every day (maybe twice if you take 1 day a week off and have a phone call another day or something). Say you study for 6 weeks, that's 12 times of listening to the audio while driving. So, even if you couldn't piece it back to the Becker materials well, you could listen to it all quickly enough to be listening to what you just studied while also reviewing what you studied before and preparing for what you haven't studied yet. Actually, after 12 times through, probably even the numbers would be easier, since you'd start to remember what they are.


    I'm a fan of Ninja audio. Like Lilla said, it's hard for me to concentrate on calculations while driving, but there is enough content for all four sections that doesn't involve numbers. Jeff does a good job at repeating important topics in case you weren't listening the first time. It's not super detailed, but it's better off that way since it would be much harder to follow along, especially while driving.

    I've tried listening to Roger's lectures while driving, but it's a pain and ends up using a lot of data since I'm streaming the videos.

    FAR: 75 Roger & Ninja (notes/flashcards/audio/MCQ)
    AUD: 73, 81
    BEC: 71, retake 8/29


    I cannot say about Becker, but i used Yeager audio for aud and far they are extremely helpful. My suggestion is, try Becker final review as audio. I think it might work for you.


    I listen to Ninja audio when I take my dog to the beach each day. You can't pass the test from them but it's reassuring that you know what he's about to say after listening to him enough times.

    BEC: 85
    REG: 74, 78
    AUD: 86
    FAR: October?

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