AUD Retake Strategy

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  • #1881115

    I lose REG on 8/23 and plan on taking FAR on 8/3, giving me roughly 3 weeks of study time for AUD. I’ve taken it 3 times (68, 74, 72) and consistently score lower on the SIMS and comparable or higher on MCQ.

    I have used Roger for all my attempts and supplemented with Ninja last time. I feel like Roger isn’t working for me on this one in a few key areas and I’ve thought about using a different approach for my retake. Last time I watched all the videos again and took notes, then did tons of MCQ’s. This time I think I’ll rewrite my notes and hammer MCQ, then find new videos to watch or things t rear on my weak areas. I’m a tax guy so I need all the help I can get.

    I do remember much of the material but need to improve a few areas that get over the 75 mark. Any recommendations on different materials or my approach for the 3 weeks leading up to test day?

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  • #1881274

    @4matic I was in similar position like you. Roger was not enough for me to pass Audit and i bought NINJA-MCQs and still failed for 4th time. Finally when i bought GLEIM TEST BANK and practice their sims couple of times, that is what finally push me over the line. Like yours, i also had stronger MCQs but weaker in sim areas report. If i were you, i would buy GLEIM TEST BANK and practice their sims and also do Roger MCQs once only since you probably already know the answer before you see the question. Also i believe Roger do not adequately cover Transaction cycle and IC. That is where GLEIM helped me.

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