Attendance not reported??

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  • #2264217

    On Mar 4th I sat for REG and got my attendance form. I logged into CPA Central today and it still shows NTS issued, not attended!

    Has this happened to anyone before? What was the outcome?

    I called NASBA and the rep aid to call back tomorrow and speak with Florida rep, but if they didn’t get my attendance record I may not get score on Monday 🙁

    Hoping someone had a good outcome in similar situation


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  • #2264772

    After the exam, they give you a paper attendance record that they stamp at the testing center. Did you retain this? Good luck! Call testing center, too! They would probably still have your record or fingerprints on file or something.

    Graduated 05/2016.
    NY CPA Candidate.
    Public accounting.
    FAR COMING UP 07/07/2016 !! GOD HELP ME.


    Thank you – I did keep the attendance paper. I was actually able to get the FL Nasba reps email and send he one this morning. She is looking into it and will get back to me soon (hopefully today).

    But something everyone should be aware of is that should change to attended within 3-5 days after you take the exam…if not you need to call.

    There is a possibility my scores may be delayed now 🙁 Hoping she gets it fixed and score is released on time.


    I think NASBA central was all glitchy about changing my NTS from issued to attended as well.
    I would not stress over it.
    Just logged in now and my first NTS says CLOSED, and the second still says SCORED, now over a year later.


    @recked I hope you are right. Still waiting to hear back from NASBA


    I remember getting all freaked out over what it said on NASBA as well. Completely normal.
    It should be fine.


    That happened to me last time, and I didn't have any issues on score release date. I took it at a different Prometric Center and I think that might've been why.


    @Sandra any update on yours? I just checked mine and it says NTS issued too 🙁 I tested March 4th. I hope we will get our scores on Monday.


    @kinkin08 no update…when I call I only get voicemail and only my first email was answered. Interesting we took the test the same day and both have this problem.

    Hoping the others here are right and we have nothing to worry about. Guess we will find out Monday evening/Tuesday morning.


    @Sandra – I just checked mine this morning and it has changed to Attendance!


    @kim I was logging in just now to tell you the same thing! Feeling better about score getting released today!

    Good Luck to you


    This whole process is enough to make someone insane. Everything is graded by a computer anyway, why can't they just find a way to send out scores in a more efficient way?? If I was in your position, I would honestly go off on NASBA. I don't have any advice to offer, just felt the need to speak my mind lmao

    Best of luck with getting your score today and passing!

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