Anyone still awaiting board evaluation in South Carolina?

  • Creator
  • #199578
    Vinnie Delpino

    It’s been 22 weeks and nobody hasn’t returned my calls or responded to my emails. I was hoping to knock the exam out before tax season, now I’m hoping to knock out FAR by the end of February. I heard whoever is responsible for processing applications has been on medical leave, but after this long I’d imagine someone else would have been brought in to play cover.

    Does anyone have any other info? This has been extremely frustrating….

    Thanks guys.

    FAR- 88

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  • Author
  • #755083

    Thought I would try to help out. I finished all requirements for the CPA and had everything submitted 8+ weeks ago. I have heard nothing. My contact has been Bridgette Goff. You can call 803-896-4770 and ask for her. She is very responsive and helpful, but it appears all the workload is stuck on her, so they are super delayed.

    Vinnie Delpino

    Thanks GreekO! I'll give her a call tomorrow!

    FAR- 88

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