Any guess on how % correct translates to points?

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  • #1327433

    So I took REG – I think it went really well. I feel like (conservatively) I got 80% on the first teslet, 75% on #2, 75% on #3, and 85% on the sims.

    For far…I felt like 85, 75, 75, 75 – and got a 90 overall.

    I seriously doubt I got anything in the 90s for REG though.

    Any word on what percent correct translates too? It’s so tough to estimate this stuff

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  • Author
  • #1327463

    Impossible to know. You have the pretest questions that aren't even counted and then you have the weighting of individual questions. Just forget about it and focus on your next exam.


    Great point. There's no way to tell.


    Only thing I know for sure is you don't need 75% right to get a 75 on the test.

    BEC: 85
    REG: 74, 78
    AUD: 86
    FAR: October?


    From what I understand each question is assigned a certain value. Let's say the entire exam is five questions and the questions are assigned the following values: 10,20, 25, 35 and 10. You could get 60% correct and pass as long as it's questions 2,3 and 4. You could get 60% correct and fail badly if the questions were 1,2 and 5. Either way question 4 basically makes or breaks you but of course we're all completely oblivious to which questions on the actual exam are deal breakers.

    Licensed Massachusetts Non Reporting CPA since 2012
    Finance/Admin/HR Manager

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