Am I too old and inexperienced to bother with cpa exams? - Page 2

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    I’ll be 37 next month. Bachelors in Accounting 3.6 gpa 6 years ago. Only related job was a state tax examiner position that I left to move with wife to her new very lucrative job. Haven’t been able to get anything good since. Got an enrolled agent license that expired since I got no work with it. For a few years my wife had cancer treatment. I took a delivery driver job to pay the bills and now feel pigeonholed with it. Only intwrview offers I get are for other driver jobs. Seems like no matter where I go I’m told I’m so good and reliable at what I do that they can’t tranfer or promote me at the moment.

    I’m divorced now and need 30 more credits to take the cpa exams. I’ve been reviewing material for all 4 exams and it’s all very fresh in my mind still.

    I’m wondering if it’s worth the time and money to get the credits and do the exams. Seems like people see “driver” on my resume and think “dumb apathetic loser, not a good fit”. I had this problem trying to get internships. I was in retail and companies kept saying I didn’t have transferable skills compared to other applicants. The best I could do was say I’ve worked with receiving and invoices and it enabled me to better understand the auditing process from that perspective and the importance of internal controls…..

    There’s got to be something better than driving a truck. I’m smart and educated. Anybody have suggestions?

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  • #756358

    another almost 50 year old here – just got my license last fall while running my own business, having a family, and having sick parents. You can do it.


    If accounting is really what you want to do then go for it. At least you can say you tried.

    I went back to school at 30. Finished my undergrad and went right to grad school. I am now 35 and have one test left (taking next month).

    I feel us non-traditional students fair better at interviews. If you have a personality and life experience, those 2 will take you far.

    BEC - 77, 03/2015 (first try)
    FAR - 79, 05/2015 (second try)
    REG - 83, 12/2015 (first try)
    AUD - 84, 03/2015 (first try)

    I got 99 problems but the CPA ain't one.


    @everyone: you're definitely not too old. I just turned 30 today (yayyy Happy Birthday) and I took my 3rd exam this past Friday. I know a lot of CPAs that are younger fresh out of college & I know CPAs that got their licenses in their 30s, 40s. I say its never too late to learn or change your life for the better. I graduated with my grad degree almost 7 years ago & just started sitting for the CPA exam last year. I just needed a break from school & now I feel that having work experience helps me understand some concepts better. I sure hope I passed audit, it was a brutal exam…I digress…. Some ppl have said “aren't you a little older to be sitting for your exam?”. I don't even listen to them, deep down ppl may be a little jealous that you're trying something new & better and they're not. I feel you only hold yourself back, I see ppl fail on here over & over & they don't give up. I failed FAR once and didn't quit. Don't worry what society/people say the age you “should” be. Just do you. Good luck! 🙂


    Your not that old, and trust me CPA is a game changer. I think you need to stick with the plan. I graduate finance in 2008, I didnt have any finance or accounting background, I was working as a security guard. I took a job in Oil and Gas 2 years after I graduate as technician, getting paid 12 dollar, that was dream at that time. I work hard while taking my accounting classes for CPA, in 2010 summer my boss in tech side was so admired as to how much i knew excel and access ( something I spend tons of time learning while I didnt have an accounting job), so he recommended me to talk to accounting controller, the guy like me and I moved to the office as project accountant getting paid 12 dollar an hour ( i moved flat salary), I worked week days and weekend without overtime, I didnt care I wanted to know debit and credits. 6 month later I landed a senior accountant position somewhere else. The rest is history, am now getting 6 figure salary and I do all kind of stuff. My point is it doesnt matter how you started, what matters is how it ended. Keep your attitude high and someone will give you a chance.

    AUD 89 (07/06/14)
    REG 83 (08/27/2015)
    FAR 78 (04/27/2015)
    BEC 75 (11/13/2015)

    TEXAS 2016


    I am 51. I have a Graduate degree with a non accounting major. I was a homemaker taking care of family. When I was 39, I volunteered for the VITA program where I was provided basic training in tax preparation. That's when I realized I was good with numbers. After volunteering for 2 years, I was offered a seasonal position for the VITA program in the city office where I volunteered. Then I took up an Admin/Acct. assistant position at another firm for a brief time. I then realized that I needed to do a QuickBooks course to improve my chances of getting a better Accounting job. I got to know about the education requirements of CPA exam in the community college I took the Quickbooks course & got hooked. I went on to complete 24 units in Accounting & some Business courses & got qualified to take the exam. Still have not passed a section yet. But I am very determined to get it done.

    Also, I have worked as Tax Preparer in a CPA firm for the past 3 tax seasons & have logged 1600 hours of work experience. Now I have been offered a full time job in a CPA firm. So it can be done. Age is not a barrier. You are right when you think you CAN do it or you CANNOT do it. So think positive.

    VITA is a good place to start as wombataholic suggested. Also, try volunteering at any firm doing filing, copying etc. You can work your way up gradually. VolunteerMatch is a good site to look for volunteering jobs in Accounting. Enrol in local CPA society to meet people in Accounting field. Include volunteering jobs & membership to societies in your resume.

    Giving up on a goal because of a setback is like slashing your other 3 ties because of a flat. Believe in yourself!
    Good Luck!

    FAR - < than 75, 10/2013, 2/2015
    BEC - < than 75, 10/2013
    AUD - < than 75, 8/2015, 1/2016

    ~ Winners fail until they succeed. Losers quit when they fail. - Robert Kiyosaki
    ~ I survived because the fire inside burned brighter than the fire around me.
    ~ Something will grow from all you are going through. And it will be YOU.
    ~ Right now you may not be where you intend to be, but it's where you need to be in order to get where you want to go.


    I'm over 40 and I just finished my exams. It's totally worth all the work. I graduated in 2014 with a 3.8 and was offered a job in a large regional firm before my senior year. I was a union construction worker for fifteen years before going back to school. Things are much different now than they were when we were starting out.

    Age is not even an obstacle in public accounting. I think employers recognize that older candidates tend to work harder and stick around longer. There are some younger seniors and managers that are hard to deal with because of their biases, but for every one of them there's three more partners and senior managers closer to your age that appreciates your effort.

    You really have it easy compared to me. You're younger and have less school to complete – I had to do the whole five years. It's a giant leap and its kinda scary, but if you don't take chances in your life you'll never get anywhere.


    Turning 37 on 3/28 and hope to get my score for my final exam on 3/9, so sliding in at 36. 🙂 I have many years of experience in Internal Audit and Internal Controls. I decided to pursue the CPA for my career initially, but as I am wrapping up this process, I think it has become something I am doing more for personal fulfillment. (Which is great because I am also currently interviewing and it seems like everyone has their CGFM/PMP…did I pick the wrong cert?!) Anyway, to answer your question, no you are not too old. There are so many people in your shoes – if you want it, go for it!


    I'm 47 and (hope to be done with these exams early 2017). I graduated with my Bachelor's in Accounting in 2014. I never thought I was too old, just what took me so long?? lol….for me it's about having a means to generate income even after I retire and because it's my LOVE I'll likely be doing this til I croak and working for me, vs. some corporation.

    Erika I notice some of my colleagues have all 3….CPA, CGFM and PMP….I'm definitely doing the CGFM because it's a huge part of my background otherwise I wouldn't bother.

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