Advice for 36 year year old - Page 2

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  • #2611014


    Just need a little advice. I am thinking about hopping back on and studying again. Over the past few years I have put studying on and off and when I lose confidence I hold off. I have 4 kids and work full time and I am almost 37 years old. I have a decent staff accountant job, but I worked hard 4 years ago tp obtain my 150 credit hours. I failed AUD couple times and got scarfed off completely. That was 4 years ago. My hope was to be a CPA by now. I feel time is passing by.

    Any advice?

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  • #2692383

    I’m 41 and went back to school for accounting. I took AUD the other day and hope it’s my last one. It hasn’t been easy, but I think it’s going to be worth it.
    Your family will have to make the sacrifice with you or you’ll never get through the exams. It’s a lot of studying, you’ll need to be disciplined and set aside time every day for likely a year to get them all knocked out. You can do it if you want it. But if you don’t have a reason to do it, you will fail. So figure out your “why” and go after what you want.
    “If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything.”-Marty McFly


    I am 37, married with two kids. Passing comes down to two things – Support and putting in the time needed. I passed two, lost them both and started over. I am waiting on the results of BEC today and will hopefully be done… It has been hard on me and my family, but they stick by me. I have missed so many things but everyone knows how important this is for me. I am a morning person so I study from 4-6:30 AM, I get a bit of time at work to study and then I study ALL weekend long. Usually 8 hours on Saturday and Sunday, but right before an exam it is more like 12. I make a detailed schedule of where I need to get to each day and stick with it. I studied 6 weeks for all the exams except FAR. I gave myself 8 for it. If you put yours hours in you will pass, maybe not on the first try but you will get there.


    My first cpa boss that I work for was 75 years old and still working as she approaching 80. You’re still considered a baby in this profession

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