The LSU exam process is (or at least was) different for “online” courses vs “web-enabled”. Fraud is “online”, and uses ProctorU or Examity for the exams. Advanced is “web-enabled”. So, Dmb2stepper, if you've seen stuff in the course information about using ProctorU, then my info may be outdated, but last I knew, the “web-enabled” still used face-to-face proctors. The way the process is worded in the course info is a little weird, but it's actually not that bad. Basically, if you're in Louisiana, you have to go to one of their approved testing facilities, but you're not, and I wasn't either. For those of us who aren't, you just have to find someone who meets the criteria. Going off memory, it was something like anyone who was a full-time employee of a college or library. I'd start with contacting a college in your area – call to see if there's someone there who administers tests outside of the classroom that might be able to proctor your exams. This would either be a person who administers standardized tests like CLEP, DSST, ACT, SAT, etc., or it would be someone who administers exams for professors for students who couldn't make it to class during class time. Probably would be someone in a department called something like “Student Support” or “Student Services”. Figuring out how to ask the right question for the switchboard to direct you will be tough, but once you get in touch with the right person, it should be easier moving forward. Could also try looking up testing facilities for CLEP, DSST, ACT, and/or SAT tests and contacting the testing locations for those. However, some of those are offered at Prometric facilities, and those won't count.
If the college route doesn't work, then I'd go to the library and ask if there's anyone there that can proctor an exam for you for an online course. Not sure who would be the person at a library, but someone might be able to.
Of course if you know anyone who works at a college or library, that will help you get in touch with the right people! 🙂
The actual process the proctor has to go through is simple – they receive the exam in the mail. When you come in to test, they open it up, fill in their name and such on a paper, give you the exam and record the time, and are responsible for making sure you don't cheat. Then when you're finished, they get the exam back from you, and mail it in (I think it comes with a prepaid envelope). So, if you get someone with an office job to do the proctoring, then all they need to do is put you in a connecting office or something where they can technically see you or see the only entrance to the room to ensure you're not sneaking in textbooks. 😛 Not too complicated.
However, this is of course running off memory. Details may vary. But point is, it's not that complicated. It sounds worse than it is. 🙂 If you're wanting to test outside of normal business hours, library is going to probably be a better option than college.