Advanced Accounting ACCT 4022 LSU Online

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    Has anyone taken the Advanced Accounting class from LSU? ACCT 4022?

    I am in it right now and about to take my first exam, and I was wondering if anyone knew how the exams were? I read online that some people had some short answer questions along with multiple choice, then some people only had multiple choice.

    I took the Fraud class from LSU and the exam questions were literally the exact same questions and answers as the required homework. Wondering if this class is the same?

    It’s tough only having two exams, worried that if i dont do well on the first one i wont be able to recover on the final. Going to study just as hard either way, just looking for any insight.


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  • #757334

    hey Rusty2001, I am currently taking the Fraud class n LSU ODL. I believe the syllabus for the course should tell you what the exams consist of. I know for the Fraud class the syllabus explicitly stated that there would be 2 exams consisting of 50mcqs each. Good luck,



    I took this class last year and it was all MCQ for the exam. I believe that they outline it in the syllabus so I would check there to be sure. Good luck, I hated that class!

    FAR - Passed!
    BEC - Passed!
    AUD - Passed!
    REG - August 2016

    "Be the type of person that when your feet touch the floor in the morning, the devil says 'aww s***, they're up'" - Dwayne Johnson


    Yea looks like it is all multiple choice. Anyone remember if it seemed like it was the same exact questions as the homework like it was in the Fraud class?

    I've done well on the homework, i just wonder if i should keep going over that over and over or try to study the other stuff too.

    I guess ill know after the midterm lol, just dont want to get such a bad grade on the midterm that i cant bring it up enough with the final.

    This is the last class i need for licensure.


    It's been a couple years since I took the class, so this information might be outdated, but LSU doesn't change their courses very often. That being said, when I took it, the exam was *not* recycled homework problems. I loathed this class as a whole, but don't remember the exams being worse than the homework, so if you've done well on the homework, the exams probably won't be any more of a problem. I would, though, suggest reviewing the chapters briefly to make sure there's not any topics in the chapters that you've forgotten about, because to my memory the exams are not specifically from the homework.

    I'm interested in taking the Fraud class, though, so I'm glad to hear about the Fraud exams. The Fraud class has always interested me, so someday I'm going to pay for it just to fulfill CPE requirements. 🙂


    Just so much more to study in this class versus the Gov/Non Profit class and def more than the Fraud class.

    Hoping the exams arent as hard as they seem! Other classes were so easy!


    Yeah, it's a class with a million topics in it. Like I said, I don't remember the exams being worse than the homework, so if you're doing well on the homework you'll probably be OK on the exams. Good luck! Too bad the scores aren't instant for the “web enabled” courses.


    Hey all,

    Can anyone fill me in on how the exam proctoring goes? I'm from NY and am confused on the process.


    Im in NY as well. You will either register with ProcterU or Examity for exam proctoring. You have to have a WebCam with Microphone. I've recently taken a Midterm with ProcterU, basically you login schedule an exam. Once your exam time comes you login, once logged in you will be connected to a proctor (decent Indian guy for me) they will ask you to show them the space in which you are testing via the webcam to make sure you don't have any papers about, you will need your state ID to prove to them that you are you. you will the exam (for fraud course it was 50 mcq) while the guy/girl on the other end watches you. They gave 3hrs for exam but I was done in 30mins. Good luck!



    The LSU exam process is (or at least was) different for “online” courses vs “web-enabled”. Fraud is “online”, and uses ProctorU or Examity for the exams. Advanced is “web-enabled”. So, Dmb2stepper, if you've seen stuff in the course information about using ProctorU, then my info may be outdated, but last I knew, the “web-enabled” still used face-to-face proctors. The way the process is worded in the course info is a little weird, but it's actually not that bad. Basically, if you're in Louisiana, you have to go to one of their approved testing facilities, but you're not, and I wasn't either. For those of us who aren't, you just have to find someone who meets the criteria. Going off memory, it was something like anyone who was a full-time employee of a college or library. I'd start with contacting a college in your area – call to see if there's someone there who administers tests outside of the classroom that might be able to proctor your exams. This would either be a person who administers standardized tests like CLEP, DSST, ACT, SAT, etc., or it would be someone who administers exams for professors for students who couldn't make it to class during class time. Probably would be someone in a department called something like “Student Support” or “Student Services”. Figuring out how to ask the right question for the switchboard to direct you will be tough, but once you get in touch with the right person, it should be easier moving forward. Could also try looking up testing facilities for CLEP, DSST, ACT, and/or SAT tests and contacting the testing locations for those. However, some of those are offered at Prometric facilities, and those won't count.

    If the college route doesn't work, then I'd go to the library and ask if there's anyone there that can proctor an exam for you for an online course. Not sure who would be the person at a library, but someone might be able to.

    Of course if you know anyone who works at a college or library, that will help you get in touch with the right people! 🙂

    The actual process the proctor has to go through is simple – they receive the exam in the mail. When you come in to test, they open it up, fill in their name and such on a paper, give you the exam and record the time, and are responsible for making sure you don't cheat. Then when you're finished, they get the exam back from you, and mail it in (I think it comes with a prepaid envelope). So, if you get someone with an office job to do the proctoring, then all they need to do is put you in a connecting office or something where they can technically see you or see the only entrance to the room to ensure you're not sneaking in textbooks. 😛 Not too complicated.

    However, this is of course running off memory. Details may vary. But point is, it's not that complicated. It sounds worse than it is. 🙂 If you're wanting to test outside of normal business hours, library is going to probably be a better option than college.


    @Mhuey So looks like fraud at LSU is going to cost around $700? Does that sound right. Also seeing the text for like $100?

    @Lilla wow wow wow. you did not need to write that large of a response! but I appreciate it oh so much : ) According to Mhuey they must have changed the process a bit since you were enrolled. Thanks again!


    1) Sounds about right.

    2) LSU offers two types of courses Wholly Online Courses (Online Distance Learning)- which proctoring works how I explained it (link is

    They also offer Web Enabled Courses which ACC 4022 must be since it is not listed on the above link. The proctoring for those type of courses works how Lilla explained it.

    Good luck. Also if btw I'm in NYC and I need one more course which I plan on taking via LSU, if you find out more about proctoring for the web enabled courses please let me know how it goes. Thank you.



    @mhuey ACCT4022 looks like it's the last of the accounting courses which is web-enabled, from what I saw yesterday, and it's currently “On hold” which I would guess means they're switching it to the online version (pure speculation, but “On hold” means they're revising it in some way – in the past I've seen it happen when textbooks were no longer available so a textbook change was necessary – and if I was them, I'd make moving to online part of any revision!). So, it's likely that if you take any other accounting courses from LSU, they'll be online ones or if you take ACCT4022 it will be online by the time you take it.

    However, for @Dmb2stepper, as @mhuey as confirmed, @mhuey's course is a different course in a different format, so unfortunately his proctoring method probably doesn't apply to your exams.


    I applied to a “Web Enabled” Course with LSU yesterday, do you guys know how long they take to get back to you on being accepted and when the course begins, etc? For the online courses i know they got back to me within a day or two. Thank you!



    @Dmb2stepper if you located in NYC Brooklyn College offers Proctoring Services. I called earlier today to confirm that the information on the site is still correct and they confirmed that it still is. Good Luck with your courses!



    @mhuey, i'll be taking the first midterm with Examity. Was proctoru a lockdown browser?

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