74. I want to die, - Page 2

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  • #2964974

    No matter what you do, there’s just no hope. You spend literally YEARS devoting every waking second of your life towards something, and it’s still not good enough. You still get beaten down by the luck of the draw questions or study materials that just don’t do jack $&#%. You lose because you chose A instead of B on ONE damn question.

    NOTHING on this planet is good enough for anybody anymore. There’s simply no hope.

    At this point, even passing wouldn’t feel like a victory at all. It would just be thousands of dollars and hours wasted. I have no social life, I have no friends, I have no hobbies, I am nothing. I gave EVERYTHING up for this. And these thankless f#&@s don’t even have the courtesy to give me a discount after so many thousands of dollars just handed over to their greedy #%@&hole organization. The thought of passing an exam made by these greedy &$@#s just makes the whole thing empty, it really is a racket in the grand scheme, I don’t care what excuses you have to make for them.

    And I can’t even stop and try to get my life back together either, because I got credits expiring. Otherwise I have to start the whole damn thing over again. It’s a constant, never-ending, vicious cycle.

    “Oh but you’ll have better job prospects in the future!” So? A few more dollars here and there, yaaay. With the way the world is going, that sure as hell doesn’t mean jack squat.

    If you passed, congrats. But in the grand scheme, nothing matters anymore.

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  • Author
  • #2965676

    DocJ I know you know its going to be ok and you're just venting. Read some of my old posts and you'll see I've been. First 2 years I failed 7 straight times. Then hit a streak where I passed FAR, AUD, BEC, and was “stuck” on REG for 4 attempts. I passed just before losing 2/3 credits I had already earned.

    Please take it easier on yourself in relation to your feelings about not receiving a passing score. This test is truly something that will make you laugh and cry. Let out all your anger and resolve to start fresh. Do not think about your past performance only concentrate on performing your best for this next attempt. Good Luck!


    You've got the worst score, but it means you know well the material and next time you will get it. I have a different story and my life is miserable now, but I know it's temporary. Just don't give up… you're almost there.


    I would love to hear again from DocJ. What we are learning now more than ever, and this story is a great example, THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IS OUR HEALTH. Don't let anything compromise your physical, mental and emotional well-being. Be your own best steward of these valuable parts of what makes us US!

    FAR 7/25/15 76!
    AUD 10/30/15 93
    BEC 2/27/16 82
    REG 5/23/16 88!
    Ninja Book and MCQ and the forum - all the way!!!
    and a little thing i like to call, time and effort!
    if you want things to change, you have to do something different


    Just one point away from this nonsense nightmare, I feel you man. I would've been hella pissed too. When i failed last time, I slammed my phone so hard that it shattered the phone screen. Yep more money to be spent. Lesson learned, I need to control my emotions at all times. Go rock the cpa next time and get that 99!


    I experienced the same nightmare, I lived those difficult moments, I felt that pain..
    my word to you: don't be down, stand up and don't give up the fight, you just need one more bullet to get that monster down.

    I've got 74 1st attempt in FAR, but I passed the 2nd, 78.

    Pork Flavored Bacon

    Docj, I have no more encouragement to offer you than what others here have said. Just want to tell you I know how it feels.
    FAR was my one of my final two sections. It was one of the darkest times of my life. I failed it four times.

    FAR - 75 | REG - 87 | AUD - 82 | LAW - 81

    Jimmy Dugan


    I'm not trying to troll you or be a negative influence, this is just the logical decision in your case. I don't care what anyone says and we can rah rah all we want, but that certificate is not worth the lost relationships and eroded mental health that you are describing here.


    No, hes just venting thats all. I would've acted the same way if I didnt pass by one point and this was his last exam. I think you would've acted the same way but expressed in a different way.

    Jimmy Dugan

    It really doesn’t matter if it’s “just venting.” This person would not be saying this if it wasn’t based in actual experience and emotion. We see it all the time here. I felt this way at least a little myself when I was going through the exam process and never failed one. The reward is not worth the agony that some people go through on this journey. Nobody wants to hear that but it just isn’t.


    @Jimmy Dugan,

    Yeah I see your point bro. Look at my failures, many have told me to quit this whole cpa journay, one being you can be a huge danger to the public's interest (lol) I dont know where DOCJ stands at this point, but if I quit now I would be alot more miserable than going through this hell n eventually passing the exams. I still believe i can pass them all but wow they're tough.



    1) do not want to die, 2) do not give up.

    While I finally passed all 4 I will let you know that I took the tests more times than anyone should, lost more scores than is even funny, had MANY 74 scores, and missed multiple opportunities for promotion. I had the same feelings you did – is it worth it? Am I happy? Should I go back to school for something? I literally thought about quitting my job for 6 months to become a dog walker and re-assess my life. I literally blamed everything bad around me on these exams.

    Passing my last one with a 76 was redemption.

    The reason I passed and i truly believe this is that I TOLD myself it would be my last time taking it. If you let negativity in, it will take over. If someone offered you a glass of water with dirt in it, you wouldn't drink it. Don't let dirt get into your head and buy into it.

    Stay strong.


    With 74 you are already there, don't be discouraged.


    Cheer up, bro. I got a 74 too. Sometime life didn't go as planned. I failed REG with a 74 because I couldn't find the test center 5 mins before my scheduled time! And what made it worst is that the test center is literally next door of my #2 work office, I get off right train stop but wrong exit, and failed to see the building. See, even if you tried hard it just happened that way.

    I won't tell you to stop studying, but you should know that 74 is a magical number to list when your actual scores is 71-75. You sounded very depressed, and depression doesn't get you passing. I would recommend changing your style of studying, give you self a little life to brighten up, but keep stimulate your brain to remember the material. Go to gym, walk your door, and then go back to study. Find fun ways to blend study in to your daily activities, so you free you person time. Try taping your notes in the bathroom, read them when you take a shower. Stick questions on your doors so everytime you pass a room you need to answer one questions correctly. Have family member study with you together.

    Relax. Do realize that life continue no matter what. So try to stay positive and look at things claimly.

    New York - NYC
    Passed CPA Exam (11/2014)
    In search for a position in NYC that will fulfills the license requirement.


    Hey man if you really want it don’t give up. I’m sure if you were in a burning building you would try every way to get out. That’s the way to look at any challenge man. It’s either you make it thru or you die. Be strong you’ll be ok eventually

    FAR 8/20/15 - Passed 77
    AUD 10/10/15 -

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