FAR: First ever CPA exam. Going into it, I felt good about 90% of the material. I simply punted on receivables and sale-leaseback/direct financing leases/whatever the hell it was.
During the exams, I felt great about the MCQs, still do to this minute. But the SIMS were much more time consuming. I answered each one to the best of my ability, I felt good 70% of the SIMS, but for some reason I crawled to the finish. However, I walked out of that exam feeling pretty good about my performance. I hope I'm not jinxing myself, but I expect to pass this one.
BEC: Tried to cram it in 4 weeks or so and it was a bad idea from the start. I did all the Roger MCQs and about 500 or so Ninja MCQs. Going into the exam, I expected there to be a fair amount of IT/COSO. I was wrong. A good 33% of that exam was IT/COSO, most of which I simply had no clue how to approach it.
The additional problem was the fact that my time management went out the window and left me with just about an hour to get through 3 SIMS and the WC. Of course the SIMS were lengthy and time-consuming (thankfully not difficult), but it ate up a lot of that remaining one hour. Once I got to the WCs, I knew I was finished. 20 minutes to do three WC was simply not enough time. I answered the first one well, the second one was a decent effort, and the third was a three-sentence failure. Hopefully that was the pre-tested one.
I left my testing center on the verge of tears and vomit, simply because I never encountered a more difficult test in my life, and I simply was staring at the screen for too long.
I would HAPPILY welcome a 75 come score release date, but I am preparing for a score in the 50s.