2nd Window Experience (Post here!) - Page 2

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    As we wait on our results, I’d be interested to hear everyones’ thoughts about how they thought the new exam was. Went into FAR feeling somewhat prepared and walked out not confident about anything…

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  • #1565916

    I also have a conspiracy that the new sims are adaptive even though the AICPA says they're not…
    I feel not pure adaptive but depends upon how much time u took in MCQ. The more time you took in MCQ the more DRS were given hence you may notice 1 to 5 DRS to examinees.


    My theory is those who were trying to be over smart by taking exam in last week of May and asking questions to others about their exam experiences were given good whipping. LOL


    I didnt feel like i guessed on any more questions in the 2nd testlet than 1st. But it took longer to get through the 2nd testlet.


    Sally, i sure hope the sims arent adaptive. My first 2 were beasts and the next 5 were definately easier. Ive read alot of people have said their 3rd testlet were the longest sims.


    Definitely believe the theory the SIMS are adaptive. I think though people are getting DRS SIMs confused with SIMS with multiple tabs of information. I only had 1 DRS if this is the case and 4 SIMS with multiple tabs of info/emails/memos. As far as MCQ testlet difficulty, its too subjective and their are medium difficult questions in a difficult testlet so not going to comment about that. I felt more confidence on the SIMS so I am hoping they carry me to a 75 and I can breathe again.


    I took BEC and went in thinking it was going to be the absolute worse as far as difficulty because of the given 15 min break. I didn't think it was all that bad, but I have absolutely no idea how I did. The mix of questions kind of blew my mind. I do know what I'll be studying if I have to take it again. I saw the AICPA pushed the BEC score release back a day. UGH!!!

    BEC - 79
    REG - 85
    AUD - 5/27/16


    Cruzer, I only had 1 drs sim as well and it was one of the easiest sims on the test. Had 5 sims with multiple tabs though.


    @crazyleon haha I doubt it. I muscled thru the MCQs so I'd have enough time for the sims. Felt like I couldn't even check my work. Way too many things to look thru, but thanks for the Faith. I'm praying Q2 sees 100% pass rate.


    I tested in Norwalk CT, crazy construction going on. Could hardly focus. I made a note in my exit interview


    You guys know how I feel 🙁

    MCQ1 – Flagged maybe 2 but it took an hour (one on warranties, one on A/R)
    MCQ 2 – Flagged 4-5, also took an hour (Two on pensions, two on NFP, I'm pretty sure there was another, maybe A/R idk)

    Approached the sims with 2 hours remaining.

    Sim 1 – Trial Bal/ w transactions and invoices. Umm not too hard, but its a lotta info, lemme check sim 2, then get back to it.
    Sim 2 – RESEARCH, “Tell me what section vaguely wants you to find something vague”, hmm ok…30 mins later, still researching, back to sim 1, probably got a 60% -80% on it. Another 20 minutes, no answer to the research (0%)!
    BREAK – Pissed off at sim test 2, potty break, shot of water, prometric lady is like “back alread?y”, I give her the “mind your business lady” look. 55 minutes remain
    Sim 3 – Financial Stmt w/ transactions (70%-85%)
    Sim 4 – JEs, Got 2/2 right on the first, 4/5 right on the second (80%?)
    Sim 5 – DRS w/ plenty of docs. Maybe 3 or 4 out of 5 (60%)
    Submit – 20 minutes left
    Sim 6 – Recon (not cash or A/R) w/ transactions, no docs – um what? I had to get between a 0-30% on this one.
    Sim 7 – JE Maybe got it right even though this entry wasn't in the Gleim book. (50%-70%)
    Sim 8 – DRS w/ plenty of docs 3/5 (60%)

    Overall, I felt very rushed and missing the research killed me!

    AUD - 1st - 60 (12/12), 61 (2/13), 61 (8/13), 78! (11/15)
    REG - 55 (2/16) 69 (5/16) Retake(8/16)
    BEC - 71(5/16) Retake (9/16)
    FAR - (8/16)


    @CanPassAttitude running dry I took my exam at Norwalk CT as well. The hammering on the floor above us was ridiculous!!!

    FAR-83 (May 2016)


    @KC22 I made sure to note that in my comments. I could hear it over the noise cancelling headphones. Totally unacceptable! It states in the Candidate Bulletin, as well as on the Confirmation of Attendance that each candidate receives following the completion of an Exam section, that if any difficulties are experienced during testing, the candidate needs to notify NASBA’s Candidate Care Department at candidatecare@nasba.org within five business days of taking the Exam. I think I will notify them. It was unbearable with the banging and the vibration, for a sec I thought a tornado may have been passing thru


    @mtaylo24 I feel your pain. You have been very persistent. Gave me motivation to continue on. I wish you the best of luck


    Hopefully I don't magically end up with a 71 for reporting the constant construction that took place


    Took AUD and FAR in Q2. Hard to say how I did..I felt like I didn't necessary aced it nor did I absolutely bombed it. All I know is that I got research question 100% correct on both exams.

    @CPAIN2K17 Is right. No point in worrying about whether you got a hard mcq testlet or not. Not to mention, sims are 50%. Bomb the sims and whether you got a hard second testlet doesn't make much of a difference.

    @SallyCPA Ha..The software is definitely older than dinosaur bones. When I try to access the pdf files for sims with docs, is it slow as molasses and when it takes more than 5 seconds I'm scared of the software crashing or when you hear stories of people computer getting shutdown or losing connection when they are taking the exams lol.

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