2017 Pass Rates - Page 2

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    @justa75pls: I am thoroughly convinced that my scores for AUD and REG were reversed. Don't get me wrong, I'm more than grateful that I passed. I just have no idea how I scored so high for REG and much lower than expected for AUD. I crammed REG in about 4 weeks and studied for AUD for 6.5 weeks. What gives?


    Bruh, you passed, be happy and move on my man. You're a stud for knocking them out in a short period of time, don't obsess over your score. I would've been just as happy as I am now had I scored 75s across the board. My fear would be that a score review could possibly lower my score and wouldn't ever risk it after a near pass.

    Another note, I feel like seasons do play a role in pass rates. Like everyone has said you have holidays and family to worry about in Q4, Q1 is busy season for most so everybody is really exhausted and cramming to study. Q2 includes some of busy season but also right after busy season so people are happier and have more time to study. And Q3 you have fresh grads sitting plus it's slow season for public so people have tons of spare time relative to other parts of the year. Obsessing over pass rates and when to take what test in which window seems pointless to me.


    @shawn – CPA candidate's point is valid, and your comparison is way off. To compare the exams to playing the lottery is silly, and even more proves CPA candidate's point. If you are banking on luck to pass these things you are going to have plenty of problems. Instead focus on learning the material as well you can and study and do as many practice MCQs and SIMS as possible, take the luck out of the equation.


    @shawn in VA

    When I say it's silly to worry about easiest/hardest quarters and exam changes I mean I don't believe those things are in any way a material factor in someone passing. Passing is 100% on you and your fails are 100% on you.


    I'm taking FAR & REG this Q4
    wish myself luck!


    @Superdude: I'm happy for sure that I passed. I just hate the lack of transparency when it comes to these exams. Like, what exactly did I get wrong on that exam? It's even worse because some states issue score reports whether or not you pass.

    shawn in VA

    Tommy and CPA Candidate-

    Your telling me luck has nothing to do with the equation?!?!? That phrase has ZERO merit. For the 1st BEC I took I got 74 and I got hit with so many questions on topic lets call “ABC” and it was NOT covered in any of my review materials. Fast forward a couple months later for my retake of BEC and I got a 81 because “ABC” topic was tested MUCH LESS and topic lets call “DEF” was tested heavily which was strongly emphasized in my review courses and which I knew VERY well. Topic “DEF” was NOT even tested at all in my 1st version which I failed and wishing it was

    If that is NOT luck I don't know what you call it.

    shawn in VA

    Both of you must be on the same illegal narcotics for making such off the wall stmts


    Moral of this post :Take all sections in Q3 Year 1 or 2 sections in Q3 year 1 and 2 in Q3 Year2 .Once you pass and defiantly you would pass as it would be Q3 and if you got 75 , go for review .If you got got 85 ,comeback to this post and say I don't think I deserve 85 , it must have been 11 marks of “wind fall gain” due to fall season.


    Ahhh I feel ya there. I also wish you'd get a score report no matter what.

    @WannaFree gets it lol

    It doesn't matter when you take it, just on average candidates do better or worse in certain quarters.


    @shawn in VA

    My thought is this. Yes, you can get a little lucky and pass but I don't believe in failing because you were unlucky. Getting hit hard in an area you don't understand well is not being unlucky. That is called being unprepared and that's you're own fault. You sound like the same people that skip government and then bitch about getting tested on it. Having a victim mentality is only going to hold you back.


    Can confirm. Getting lucky on exam day is possible.


    I don't trust the AICPA 100% – just saying. The AICPA and State Boards are not transparent and have really outdated information systems etc. Hell, the CBA cannot even upload Exam Scores to their website and the AICPA'a Practice MCQ's and SIMS are absolutely terrible!!

    I'm sure the Pass Rates are close to what they appear to be, but you never know with these guys. I hate to call the “liars” but I'm always skeptical about them.

    Enough crying because I didn't pass REG last quarter! Back to the Grind!!



    Only thing interesting IMO, is the pass rate for audit. In most cases it use to be the second lowest pass rate next to FAR. I guess REG now earns the title of second lowest pass rate.


    I passed all of mine in Q1 and Q4. Failed FAR twice in Q3. Luck has a role but it's not like the lottery. Your chances of winning the lotto are the same no matter how many people play. Like others mentioned, none of us can comment definitively since there is absolutely no transparency to these tests, results, methods, etc. Good luck to us all – hope to get tests that exclude our weaknesses.

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