Would you consider giving up accounting for your passion?

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  • #170971

    i am just curious as to where everybody stands with accounting and their career in the field. i am currently in the process of taking the CPA exam and looking for a new position.

    in my complete and honest opinion, i know i can do very well in accounting and work well with others as well as run a successful business in the future. i had to grow a lot to understand the office and public accounting environment and understand at the entry level positions, we are all pretty much tools for the most part being used indirectly at the client’s service. and i don’t mean that in the least bit of negativity, we get paid well as practitioners of GAAP and doing our work well as staff.

    my point is, as much time i have put into accounting and knowing the success that can come by dedicating myself even further, i still wonder to myself “what if i pursued a career that i was truly passionate about…”

    i am one of those people who can watch documentaries and do research about robotics, space and space travel, technology, civilization, military, and even politics and government and have a drive to want to learn more because it genuinely interests me.

    with accounting i’ve gotten a lot more used to it, but it surely doesn’t spark any creativity nor is it much of a great conversational piece.

    has anyone else had these thoughts and/or success stories about combining your accounting career with something you were passionate about? did anybody leave accounting to become something else they’ve always dreamed about? i am not miserable with accounting, but sometimes i just wonder if its worth it. just think about all the hours put in…..if i had put in the same amount of time that i spent in my undergrad, studying for this exam, and working/gaining experience, i feel i could be right on stage with Michio Kaku giving presentations about wormholes to distant galaxies and interstellar physics.

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  • #358634

    These are my thoughts exactly. You just verbalized my number one obstacle in passing the exam. It's the sacrifice of all those things. What are you thinking now?



    You shouldn't make a career out of your hobbies cause you will eventually grow to hate them. Reason why your hobbies are so appealing is cause it gives you a break from what you normally do. I love to work on my car and race, but if I was in my garage 5 days a week, 9 hours a day, eventually, it would suck too.


    Just PlainPA

    There was a thread discussion on another CPA message board that addressed a similar topic. My reply here is the same as it was there:

    “Is accounting my passion? No, in hindsight, accounting has never been my passion, although I did like the work that it involves, because for me it kept my mind occupied, and it was like working a reasonably complex puzzle, putting various pieces together to form something that could be used by others to help meet their needs.

    While didn't necessarily motivate me to get me up in the morning, it didn't have me looking at the clock waiting for 5 pm to hit either, and it didn't deter or discourage me from working late or on weekends when needed, or traveling out of town. After working several years in one aspect of accounting, I would begin to get bored and look for a new aspect to get experience on. That is why I am multifaceted in accounting, audit, and tax, although I prefer the accounting/audit side over tax. But I digress.

    I learned during the course of this year that my real passion is in finance and strategic leadership. That is because it builds on my experience obtained in accounting/audit/tax, and capitalizes on my “soft skills” in working with others and being a team player, and then formulating a plan to help businesses meet their needs.

    In other words, I enjoy helping others integrate finance and accounting into their overall business operations strategy, which is something I see a lot of small business owners seriously lacking: they treat finance/accounting as an afterthought or simply as a means to an end (read: compliance with loan requirements or tax filing) and not as part of their overall business strategy. When I show them how they can integrate their finances, then a light goes on in their head, and I instantly begin to show value in their eyes. And that is a glorious feeling for me, and THAT gets me up in the morning: adding value and delivering results, which is something I never really got doing accounting and tax work.”

    AUD - 79
    BEC - ?? 10/1/15 (Tentative)
    REG - ?? 11/?/15
    FAR - ?? Winter 2016


    Well then I applaud your genius and would merrily request that you quit this CPA process, stop accounting all together, and figure out some form of space/time continuum that would allow me to skip the aggravation and dejection of this CPA process and let me skip to the very moment I press F5 and see my last exam with 75 or above! 😀

    I hunt and flyfish and talked with several guides who said that they wish they never got into it….for the simple reason that they made their passion into their work and ruined it. Now they often don't even hunt or fish themselves any longer or don't have time. Another began doing taxidermy and was so good at it that he is now too busy during hunting season to get out himself.


    At the risk of being attacked or belittled for a different opinion, I can honestly say accounting is my passion. More specifically, my current position at a small local accounting firm (10 professionals) primarily focused on tax preparation, tax planning, and, consultation to small business owners. One of the primary reasons I enjoy tax preparation and tax planning is that I get to be “for the client.” I do not have to maintain independence and I can look for opportunities to reduce taxpayers tax liability while following the rules. I enjoy the relationships our firm builds with our clients. Helping new business owners understand the accounting aspect of their business and providing encouragement to them as they pursue their dreams is rewarding. Although the phone calls telling people they owe a lot of money on their tax returns can be stressful, we try to help them understand the reasons why and discuss what can be done differently for the next tax year.

    I hope you are able to find a way to use your accounting expertise in a career that you can become passionate about. Accounting really is very broad. Hopefully, you will find the specific area that fits you perfectly.

    Licensed Texas CPA!


    I think this is similar to what many M.D.'s go through. Most of them do not enjoy being in the hospital and would rather do something else. Well, that something else costs alot of money and being an MD is paying their way to do other things. Most dr's I know have rental houses, own other businesses, have big boats, etc….

    They couldnt do any of these things without having the liquidity…


    I agree with YoullNeverWalkAlone in the sense that I enjoy certain hobbies, however, would never want to or could pursue them as a full time career. Sure accounting is not what i live for by any means, but it is a solid career that has many opportunities. Different opportunities in accounting work well for some and not so well for others.

    Bottom line, it works for me and it allows me to do the things in life i am passionate about or hobbies. If its not for someone or they hate the work they do than perhaps this person should look into other things.


    oh and P.S. I would definitely give up the CPA exam for my passion but “you can't stalk me any more” Salma Hayek got a restraining order. Well I can be 500 and 1 yards from you dear! 😀

    No not really! 😀


    My passion/dream-playing in the EPL, $250,000 Euros/week. I'm sure I would not give up accounting….lol 😉


    @CPApending omgg how dare you i'm salma hayek's real husband. well i guess you can still be her stalker. that gorgeous gorgeous lady is a work of art. the things i would do to her..

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