The only time I accurately guessed my score was when I absolutely bombed AUD because I studied for less than week with no auditing experience, it was bad. I knew I did terrible and got a 54, but besides that, I haven't been too accurate. When I first started in 2015, I underestimated and didn't study near enough. Despite that, I thought I passed FAR, got a 73. Knew I bombed AUD, got a 54, thought I bombed BEC even worse and got a 70. Then, two years later, after a crazy journey and some auditing experience, I started the exams again. Started with BEC, and was sure I failed, got a 90. Then took AUD, thought I nailed it and was expecting a higher score than BEC, got an 83. Then took FAR, thought I did meh, pretty good, probably barely enough to pass, and I got an 88. It's ironic, that with the three exams I've passed, my best score was on the exam I was least confident about, and my worst passing score is the exam I felt the most confident. So basically, I overshared and talked about myself too much to say, I pretty much agree with everyone else, with the amount of extra questions, it's hard for me to predict how I did each test accurately, which causes me to be a nervous wreck before the score release everytime. The only people that don't worry at all are the amazing students that either get close to the Elijah Watt Sells award, or actually get it.