What\'s Next After You Pass

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  • #2274330

    Thought I make a light-hearted thread amongst all those stressful posts, plus it doesn’t hurt to day-dream once in awhile. To all those people who are still fighting the battles, what is your next goal or indulgence right after you pass. And i’m not talking about hardcore partying the night of since that is a given, but more of a long term thing.

    For me I would love to start working out again. I swear i gained like 20 pounds since I started studying last year. My goal is to complete the Spartan Super which I’ve put off for so long. I also need to show my PS4 some love as it has been collecting dust for months. Probably go on my first cruise if my work schedule permits…….

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  • #2274429

    Two things, spend more time with my wife and daughter (and son who will be here in the next two weeks), and get my rear end back in the gym. Family is very important and i'm so happy my wife has allowed me to pursue this dream of mine, however, i don't think she can handle two munchkins crying without my help. At least i know i wouldn't be able to. Good luck to all!


    I just found out a couple weeks ago that I passed my last exam and I am in the same boat as 46inchvert. I am going to spend a ton of time with my hubby and my 1 year old boy! My husband supported my desire to study full time for 3 months in between jobs and it definitely paid off! I now have a wonderful job, plenty of time, and a CPA license in the works!
    Good luck! Y'all are both sooooooo close!

    Mission CPA

    I love this post thank you for sharing your plans! It can get pretty negative on this forum, so a positive lighthearted post is refreshing. My husband and I are finally going to hike the Grand Canyon, which we had to postpone last Thanksgiving due to this test. I also want to go on a cruise or beach vacation to celebrate! We are finally going to get a second kayak, and spend our summer on the lake. I also look forward to reading for enjoyment and not a textbook. I graduate with my Masters in May and will truly be free for the first time!


    Thank you guys for sharing. It really helps to take a step back and know what you are working hard for, or know what's waiting for you on the other side when you're done~


    The things i did after passing was Rated not Appropriate for Children under 13.


    I passed last of the 4 on Tuesday, and since then I have been quite lazy.
    Honestly, my main task after this pass is to find an accounting job, never worked in Accounting before.


    Thanks for posting this, always great to talk about the post-CPA study life! Funny you mention Spartan races, I'm actually training for a double the first weekend in April (Super on Saturday, and Sprint on Sunday), super cool to hear others are involved in that!

    Just passed my final exam two days ago so that'll make it all the more better. Best of luck as you approach the finish line, theres light at the end of the tunnel!


    Spend more time with my family while focusing on my career. Also, I'm going to start studying for the CMA exam to stay more competitive as there are already enough people with their CPAs…

    Island Mango

    Passed my last part (BEC) last March 8 release. I've already started looking for a job to log in the requisite experience hours for the license. When I get my congratulatory letter from my board, I'm going to pop open a bottle of good champagne. Then, treat myself to bling at Tiffany's that I've been promising myself to commemorate the milestone.


    If all goes as planned I will have passed my final section by the time I graduate with my masters in early May. Then I have a 10-day break where me, my husband, my best friend, and my brother are gonna take a mini vacation and then spend the rest of it chilling out, playing video games, maybe some celebratory drinks. Then I start my job where I will get my work experience for my license (and where I hope to stay for my whole career). I am mostly looking forward to not studying for a while, between CPA and grad school all I've done for the last 3 years (came back with an AA from before) is study. I honestly can't imagine just going to work and coming home and not having to study, not having to take up my weekends studying, etc.. Before getting into accounting I worked 70-90 hours a week and only saw my house once every 2-3 months so I have never worked a job like the one I will be doing (8-5, no weekends, rarely any overtime, almost all travel is local) so it's going to be a nice change! Also, I can't wait to get back to my gaming and reading for fun. My consoles have been feeling the neglect and I have like 12 new games I've bought and haven't got to play yet!! 😀

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