Two sets of resumes––which is better formatted? Also, welcoming suggestions. - Page 2

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  • #188924

    Well, it’s hiring season, and I’ve accordingly been brainstorming resume content over the past few weeks. I’ve come up with two rather different approaches to the resume formatting, and I’m not sure which one to go with.

    Could y’all help me decide which is the better format?:

    Aside from the formatting, the content in the two resumes is also slightly different, and I’m open to any suggestions about things that I should or shouldn’t include.

    Also, do you guys think it’s a good idea to include my LinkedIn profile on my resume? I’ve read that prospective employers will look for it anyway so you may as well be upfront about it and include it on the face of your resume (and perhaps it’ll demonstrate that you’re reasonably “tech-savvy”), but I’ve also read that it’s unprofessional and may send the wrong message that you’re addicted to social media (which I’m certainly not).

    Thanks in advance to anyone who can help; I realize everyone’s busy studying for sections and/or applying to firms, so any assistance I do receive will be that much more sincerely appreciated!

    AUD: 88
    BEC: 79
    REG: 81
    FAR: 72 » 74 » 88

    Study method: 100% watching videos, including solving problems covered therein; no books, paper, or pencils

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  • Author
  • #610347

    Honestly, I would leave everything not pertaining to the job off your resume. I worked many jobs throughout college (which could play a role in my low gpa), but they weren't accounting related. However, I did bring it up during the interview so they knew why my GPA wasn't listed. And it was a restaurant position to cap on that I worked with many customers (to coincide with working with clients). Also, if you like music, that's great, but I would bring it up if they ask what are your hobbies or what do you like to do for fun. You can do whatever you want, but I think if you have a mix of a lot of different things on your resume it could hurt your chances. The interviewer might not know if you're trying to be an accountant or a musician or whatever else could potentially be on there. This could lead to being indecisive and turn off employers because you might not like the job after training and quit. Just my opinion…

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