Two accountants are in a bank when… - Page 2

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  • #181156

    armed robbers burst in. While several of the robbers take the money from the tellers, others line the customers up against a wall and proceed to take their wallets, watches, and other valuables. In the midst of the chaos, accountant No. 1 jams something in accountant No. 2’s hand. Without looking down, accountant No. 2 whispers, “What is this?” to which accountant number one replies, “It’s that $50 I owe you.”

    AUD-50,62,68 (retake july)
    FAR-15(didnt study)

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  • Author
  • #460562

    Accountant #1 just wants to clear out his outstanding payables in case the robbers decide make him “sleep with fishes”. 😉

    I did LOL reading this one; love accounting jokes!!!

    REG: 75 DONE 🙂
    AUD: 61, 71, 68, 92 DONE 🙂
    BEC: 76 DONE 🙂
    FAR: 72, 74, 79 DONE 🙂
    Licensed Michigan CPA 🙂
    -Some people dream of success...others wake up and work hard for it!!!
    -The cowards never start and the weak die along the way!
    -You better work, b***h!
    -Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.-JFK


    An accountant is having a hard time sleeping and so he decides to go to see his doctor. “Doctor, I just can't get to sleep at night,” complains the man.

    “Have you tried counting sheep?” inquired the doctor.

    The accountant replied, “That's the problem, Doc. I make a mistake and then spend three hours trying to find it!”


    Accountants aren't boring people, we just get excited over boring things.

    Q. What do you call an Accountant who marries an Actuary?

    A. A Social Climber

    Q.What does an actuary do to liven up a party?

    A. He invites an accountant

    Becker Class of Jan - Aug 2013: FARB DONE!!!!
    CPA license pending 🙂


    An accountant is having a hard time sleeping and so he decides to go to see his doctor. “Doctor, I just can't get to sleep at night,” complains the man.

    “Have you tried counting sheep?” inquired the doctor.

    The accountant replied, “That's the problem, Doc. I make a mistake and then spend three hours trying to find it!”


    Accountants aren't boring people, we just get excited over boring things.

    Q. What do you call an Accountant who marries an Actuary?

    A. A Social Climber

    Q.What does an actuary do to liven up a party?

    A. He invites an accountant

    Becker Class of Jan - Aug 2013: FARB DONE!!!!
    CPA license pending 🙂



    And Seattle, thanks for the link. 🙂

    B: 75
    R: 80
    A: 77
    F: 81
    Ethics: 84, 92 and done!
    Licensed in California



    And Seattle, thanks for the link. 🙂

    B: 75
    R: 80
    A: 77
    F: 81
    Ethics: 84, 92 and done!
    Licensed in California


    I laughed out loud. 🙂 I think I get it, if the Accountant doesn't pay now, then his money will be taken and he'll still owe his friend, so he's losing money twice.

    Becker, Wiley Test Bank, and Ninja 10 Point Combo!

    FAR: 89
    REG: 87
    AUD: 92
    BEC: 75
    Ethics: 90

    Licensed Arizona CPA


    I laughed out loud. 🙂 I think I get it, if the Accountant doesn't pay now, then his money will be taken and he'll still owe his friend, so he's losing money twice.

    Becker, Wiley Test Bank, and Ninja 10 Point Combo!

    FAR: 89
    REG: 87
    AUD: 92
    BEC: 75
    Ethics: 90

    Licensed Arizona CPA


    @SeattleAccountant: LOL….that's me! Well, I don't count sheep, but recently I can't seem to get a good night sleep because I wake up remembering all of my dreams! So, my brain isn't getting much rest….. :/

    Awesome jokes!!!!!!!!

    FAR: 81 (May 2013)
    BEC: 81 (July 2013)
    REG: 83 (August 2013)
    AUD: 82 (November 2013)
    California CPA since 1/30/14


    @SeattleAccountant: LOL….that's me! Well, I don't count sheep, but recently I can't seem to get a good night sleep because I wake up remembering all of my dreams! So, my brain isn't getting much rest….. :/

    Awesome jokes!!!!!!!!

    FAR: 81 (May 2013)
    BEC: 81 (July 2013)
    REG: 83 (August 2013)
    AUD: 82 (November 2013)
    California CPA since 1/30/14


    I love it…..much needed laugh.

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader....ready to pass


    I love it…..much needed laugh.

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader....ready to pass


    Thanks for the link @ SeattleAccountant. A wrongly folded map drives me nuts as well 🙂

    3XBEC:75 * 4XREG:82 * 4XFAR:76 * 7XAUD:77

    “It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.” Theodore Roosevelt


    Thanks for the link @ SeattleAccountant. A wrongly folded map drives me nuts as well 🙂

    3XBEC:75 * 4XREG:82 * 4XFAR:76 * 7XAUD:77

    “It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.” Theodore Roosevelt


    Two hours into my first day of work as a Wal-Mart greeter, an ugly woman came in with her two kids. Hearing her swear at them, I said, ‘Good morning, welcome to Wal-Mart. Nice kids, are they twins?' The mom answered, ‘Hell no, they ain't twins. The oldest one's 9, and the other one's 7. Why would you think they're twins? Are you blind or stupid?' I replied, ‘I'm not blind or stupid. I just couldn't believe someone slept with you twice. Have a good day, and thank you for shopping at Wal-Mart.' My supervisor said I probably wasn't cut out for this line of work! — with Carl Hagensen and 6 others.



    Two hours into my first day of work as a Wal-Mart greeter, an ugly woman came in with her two kids. Hearing her swear at them, I said, ‘Good morning, welcome to Wal-Mart. Nice kids, are they twins?' The mom answered, ‘Hell no, they ain't twins. The oldest one's 9, and the other one's 7. Why would you think they're twins? Are you blind or stupid?' I replied, ‘I'm not blind or stupid. I just couldn't believe someone slept with you twice. Have a good day, and thank you for shopping at Wal-Mart.' My supervisor said I probably wasn't cut out for this line of work! — with Carl Hagensen and 6 others.


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