To all those who are stressed out, failed an exam, worrying, and other things

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  • #187075

    Things will be better.

    So keep studying, keep pressing, and don’t give up.

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  • Author
  • #582814

    … and now I feel worse =/

    BEC - ✔
    REG - ✔
    AUD - ✔
    FAR - 11/29/14

    CPAExcel, Ninja MCQs, and a sh*t ton of coffee


    ^ DAMN IT! That was not my intention.


    🙂 Made me less stressed! Goes with my motto: “It is what it is.”


    Since you brought the subject, I got this for people(including me) who freak out at Prometric.

    Though this is about the bar exam, there are A LOT we can relate 🙂


    Haha beat_counter the bar exam one made me laugh (:

    John Tucker

    Lol, no guys if you want some good pseudo-motivation, nobody does it better than Joel Osteen:

    * State of MA CPA Exam Candidate
    - BEC: Sunday, August 24th
    - FAR: Saturday, November 29th
    - AUD: TBA for February 2015
    - REG: TBA for May 2015


    Osteen is good stuff. I live down the street from the church. Houston represent!


    since you've brought that topic: check this out!


    AUD - 69, 80
    FAR - 71, rematch 01/19/2015
    BEC - 01/12/15
    REG - 02/23/15

    If life knocks you down, try to land on your back, cause if you can look up, You can get up! No matter how bad it is or how bad it gets, I'M GOING TO MAKE IT.


    add this to the list of videos to watch when you need some motivation

    Rise and Shine

    FAR - 78*
    AUD - 66, 79
    REG - 73, 76
    BEC - 79


    @ahugemistake – thanks.. i like it..

    AUD - 69, 80
    FAR - 71, rematch 01/19/2015
    BEC - 01/12/15
    REG - 02/23/15

    If life knocks you down, try to land on your back, cause if you can look up, You can get up! No matter how bad it is or how bad it gets, I'M GOING TO MAKE IT.


    Gian… The chase your dream video is epic.

    I'll make sure to put that one in my favorites.

    John Tucker

    Lol, guys I was being funny with the Osteen clip, but in all seriousness now.

    Motivation is just the desire to do something, but everyone should truly examine and question their motivation to confirm it lines up with reality. Just because you are motivated to do something doesn't mean you should do it or continue to do it, and just because you aren't motivated to do something doesn't mean that your motivation can't change in 5 minutes.

    For example, being hungry motivates people to eat, but if you don't control your hunger you can easily overeat leading to weight issues and other health problems. Being poor motivates people to steal, but if you don't control your desire to steal you could end up shot, dead, in prison, or a combination (eventually) of all three.

    If you are motivated to pass the CPA Exam, but can't seem to “find the time” to study, can't seem to “comprehend” all of the concepts, and are on your 17th attempt to pass a section….maybe you should check your motivation at the door and eliminate it.

    On the other hand, if you are good at studying independently, can grasp the concepts and manage your schedule efficiently (work, social life, preparation, etc), and you DON'T have the desire to sit for the exam, maybe you should consider the monetary benefits of taking an exam in which you CAN pass, and thus will add to your pocketbook. In this case, the desire to acquire more money becomes the motivation.

    In other words, being positive is just as bad as being negative, I think people should seek to be objective only, and allow the actual reality and truth of your situation to dictate your decisions.

    * State of MA CPA Exam Candidate
    - BEC: Sunday, August 24th
    - FAR: Saturday, November 29th
    - AUD: TBA for February 2015
    - REG: TBA for May 2015


    @ John Tucker…I do not agree that being positive is just as bad as being negative.

    Quite the opposite actually. Obviously you need a little dose of reality but it does not hurt to dream. If everyone was as objective and sensitive to reality as you say they should be, then a lot of great things we have today would not be here.


    For all practical purposes babe Ruth should have checked his motivation at the door. Was he a rare exception? Only in that he refused to give up regardless of the well intended advice he received. Turns out a healthy dose of optimism can work wonders.

    Being told I'm not likely to accomplish something is almost a GUARANTEE that I will get it done.

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.

    John Tucker

    Well no, you have to do your own research to determine if you actually have real raw talent, that raw talent then through training, education and practice is turned into “marketable skills” that are in demand within an industry demand area. Babe Ruth had raw talent, he just needed more honing, practice and focus. Just because someone says you can't do something doesn't mean it's true, and on the flip side, just because someone says you are the best thing since slice bread doesn't mean it's true either, a lot of that is subjective. Despite selling over 30 million albums, Rihanna gets A LOT of bad comments from people that she “can't sing,” which are all subjective, the FACT is that she does have raw talent that she has turned into a marketable skill and is thus, making money off of it.

    Also in relation to “dreaming,” people that do that are asleep, instead I would have a “vision”. A vision is based on examining all available options and opportunities that surround you and making the BEST of them, a vision involves research, development, strategic planning, training, education, networking, etc. A dream is just some guy sitting around thinking thoughts, which might have no basis in reality.

    Steve Jobs had a vision, he could see the opportunities around him in terms of new ways that individuals were looking to communicate and how they were communicating, and he created a vehicle to serve that market's unmet needs. I assume everybody (or most people) on this form has a vision, in that they can see the opportunities that having a CPA license brings to them and have a vision of where they can go after obtaining it. A dream would be me sitting here, at 30, being 5'9 and have NEVER been even mediocre at best in basketball, saying I want to play in the NBA one day lol.

    * State of MA CPA Exam Candidate
    - BEC: Sunday, August 24th
    - FAR: Saturday, November 29th
    - AUD: TBA for February 2015
    - REG: TBA for May 2015

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