This is for people who need motivation - Page 2

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    Well I felt I ought to write something. I actually found out I passed my last exam on June 6th last window.

    It took me four years to get through this dreaded horror with many failures. I didn’t post all my attempts on my score list but I want people to know that if I can do it so can you. It just takes a lot of hard work and dedication. I started my CPA journey in July 2010 in which I used Becker and signed up for all 4 parts back to back. How naive I was to think I could just zip through all of them with little studying. It took me a total of 9 times to pass Audit. I kept using Becker over and over and getting close but never a pass I was so frustrated I didn’t know what to do. I found this site A71 and started reading other peoples stories and methods. Kricket was very inspiring and I knew I could not give up. In Nov 2012 I took FAR and passed. This finally gave me the motivation I needed to continue to go on. I than was able to pass Audit finally but I switched to using Wiley paperback book. I used a combination of Becker and Wiley along with Jeff’s audio and that is what made the difference of me passing. Thanks to Audit my FAR expiration was on the line and I need to pass Reg by June 2014. So once again I used Becker and took it in Feb and failed. I than switched to Wiley and took it again at the end of May and passed with an 81. These exams are not for the weak. It truly is a journey and you must be discipline to keep going and you have to study. Once I truly surrendered and focused and started studying my butt off did I start to pass. I am a living testimony that it can be done. Nobody fails forever and you will get there. I am going to list all my scores. Use this as a motivation that if someone like me can do it with all my many failures so can you. I received my license# 2 weeks ago and I can finally say I am a CPA…

    So here are all my scores for each section:





    AUD-56,48,73,73,74-really,73,72,64,90 (this took multiple tries)

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    Did you take one subject till you pass or did you go back and forth between the section?




    I originally took each section once. Than tried to do REG but had no luck. I then decided to focus on Audit until I could pass it. As you see I kept getting close and kept thinking next time will be it. That obviously didn't happen so I moved on to BEC and FAR. Failed BEC but passed FAR. Than I went back to Audit passed and moved on to BEC failed and than passed. Moved on to Reg failed and than passed. My recommendation is that if you take a section 3 times in a row and can't pass move on to the next section and than come back to it.

    AUD-56,48,73,73,74-really,73,72,64,90 (this took multiple tries)


    Hi Ninjas!

    First, I must say that I am new as a blogger but have viewed this site on numerous occassions for the stories and I truly enjoy the blogs. Next, I have sat over the past few hours sifting through the forums to decide where I should put my initial story and I decided this may be the best one (plus it's getting late, so…). Here's my story

    Originally, I started my CPA quest back in 2002 right before they separated the exams, when you still had to take all 4 parts in 2 days. I wanted to pass the exam the “old-fashioned” way because I thought by separating them, it would be easier (boy, was I WRONG). I sat for the exam THREE TIMES without success (passed AUD twice, 73 in LAW 3x, but you had to pass at least 2 parts to retain scores back then). I was very disappointed, but in the midst of it all, I was blessed to receive a few promotions, including an Acctg Mgr role at the Fortune 500 company (right after last failed attempt) and then I got pregnant. As a result, I decided I would wait about 5-6 years, giving myself some quality time with my son and to allow him to grow a little older, before I restarted my CPA journey. I lost my job about 6 months after son was born, but thank God that it gave me that time to spend with my baby, and after 6 months, I was back in another manager's job.

    Fast-forward to 2012, I had thought about re-starting, but never moved forward until a ran into a young lady at my job that was talking about her experience taking the exam. After talking to her and praying, I figured it was no time like the present and signed up for Becker self-study program. I figured if I spent the money, and was so close when it was a 2-day test, that there would be no way that I could be unsuccessful. Well, I was WRONG AGAIN! I have spent the past 2.5 years trying to pass all 4 parts of the exam with 2 successes that have/will expire and fails on the other two. While I really want to pass the exam, I think that I mentally collapse at times during the test and just don't seem to be getting over the hump and once I lose my BEC credit at the end of this month, I'm back to 0 (not sure if I have ever been a really good test-taker). Honestly, I'm tired (studying, getting older, trying to balance family, work, son's extra-curricular, etc.) and not sure if I am using right materials or approach to pass. My family has been very supportive throughout this time, but I am close to throwing in the towel (for all of us). Additionally, God has been good to me as I was blessed to receive an Asst Controller role that I truly enjoy. Should I stay the course at this stage?


    AUD – 69, 80, 81

    LAW – 73, 73, 73

    TAX- 71, 72, 67*

    FAR- 66, 63, 57*

    (*on 3rd try, just tried to pass AUD & LAW while getting above 50 on these;didn't work)


    ‘AUD – 73, 76 (expired 01/31/14)

    BEC- 55, 69, 69, 78 (expires 10/31/14)

    FAR- 71, 71, 70,

    REG- 65, 67, 71, 66, sat 10/4/14′

    ‘Having knowledge is key, but having the wisdom to use it is power.'

    2002-2003 (when it was 2 Day Test):
    AUD - 69, 80, 81
    LAW - 73, 73, 73
    TAX- 71, 72, 67*
    FAR- 66, 63, 57*
    (*on 3rd try, just tried to pass AUD & LAW while getting above 50 on these;didn't work)

    AUD - 73, 76 (expired 01/31/14), 70 (UGH)!, 86 (4/4/15 - praise God)!!
    BEC- 55, 69, 69, 78 (expired 10/31/14), 5/26/15...76!!!! AND I'M FINALLY DONE!!!
    FAR- 71, 71, 70, sat 11/24/14 - 75 PASSED!
    REG- 65, 67, 71, 66, sat 10/4/14; 75 PASSED!


    hey sjnedd08,

    judging by the number of your attempts, would you say FAR was the easiest for you?

    BEC - ✔
    REG - ✔
    AUD - ✔
    FAR - 11/29/14

    CPAExcel, Ninja MCQs, and a sh*t ton of coffee



    Please stay the course. Right now I am going through some major anxiety with REG, and the test as a whole. I am taking REG for the third time on Wednesday. I lose AUD November 29, so this is my last allowable window to take REG. I have three kids, a wife, and a life I would absolutely love to get back to. I took and failed all four parts in 2007 and restarted the journey in December 2012, and have done pretty well since, considering how busy my life is since. But still, I find myself in this position, and in the back of my head I am making contingency plans for if I don't actually pass REG (which is crazy because I'm passing it!!). I thought I would have this thing licked by now and here I am staring down the barrel of AUD again. If I don't pass and lose my AUD credit the clock will seriously start ticking because BEC goes away right around the corner. I've thought about quitting, but your story just made me commit to myself that I will just keep taking REG until I pass, then deal with the other sections again. That's what you've been doing, so that's what I'll do too. Thanks for the inspiration. Keep going!

    AUD - 81(5/29/13)
    BEC - 76(10/13/13)
    FAR - 70(4/1/13), 68(7/2/13), 81(2/28/14)
    REG - 65(5/30/14), 73(8/31/14), 83(10/8/14) DONE!!!



    Thanks for the encouragement and for allowing my story to inspire you. You are right at the finish line and I agree that there is no need for you to even think about anything else but passing REG. I am excited for you! Now just think, after Wednesday, you can go back to spending time with your wife and kids with a little extra time to spare! I'll be rooting for you!! 🙂

    2002-2003 (when it was 2 Day Test):
    AUD - 69, 80, 81
    LAW - 73, 73, 73
    TAX- 71, 72, 67*
    FAR- 66, 63, 57*
    (*on 3rd try, just tried to pass AUD & LAW while getting above 50 on these;didn't work)

    AUD - 73, 76 (expired 01/31/14), 70 (UGH)!, 86 (4/4/15 - praise God)!!
    BEC- 55, 69, 69, 78 (expired 10/31/14), 5/26/15...76!!!! AND I'M FINALLY DONE!!!
    FAR- 71, 71, 70, sat 11/24/14 - 75 PASSED!
    REG- 65, 67, 71, 66, sat 10/4/14; 75 PASSED!


    @sjnedd08 Thank you for sharing this! I know this is not a good question to ask. But what was your situation like? Were you working full time? How many hours did you put in roughy for each before re-testing for each?


    Thank you so much for sharing and for the inspiration! And most of all, a huge CONGRATULATIONS to you!!!:) Here's to many more successes along your path. Best of luck to you, whoohoo!!!


    Another victory showing our community is doing good. Well done!

    I love to read stories of other people that have suffered the devestation I've felt, and also stayed the course and have gone on to achieve victory. I truly believe sharing our stories helps future exam takers keep going, and it takes guts to come on here and share your story when it wasn't an easy process. Thanks for your story and your inspiration. You've earned those letters, so enjoy your moment in the sun.


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