This article might explain why so many of us failed FAR.

  • Creator
  • #187932

    Since this is the part of the exam that has the most volume of information, you might find yourself not remembering details of comprehensive income (Ch1), when you are done with NFP (Ch10). I read many of you have not been able to sleep more than 8 hours, so I guess this article might explain why you are failing FAR.

    Making Memories

    There are different types of memories. Some are fact-based, such as remembering the name of state capitals. Some are episodic — based on events in your life, such as your first kiss. And some memories are procedural or instructional, such as how to ride a bike or play the piano.

    For something to become a memory, three functions must occur, including:

    • Acquisition — learning or experiencing something new

    • Consolidation — the memory becomes stable in the brain

    • Recall — having the ability to access the memory in the future

    Both acquisition and recall are functions that take place when you are awake. However, researchers believe sleep is required for consolidation of a memory, no matter the memory type. Without adequate sleep, your brain has a harder time absorbing and recalling new information.

    Sleep does more than help sharpen the mind. Studies show that sleep affects physical reflexes, fine motor skills, and judgment, too. One study showed that participants who were sleep deprived were more likely to think they were right when they were, in fact, wrong.

    Studies involving memory tests show that after a single night of sleep, or even a nap, people perform better, whether on a test, in the office, on the athletic field, or in a concert hall.

    What Happens When You Sleep?

    Scientists don’t know exactly how sleep enhances memory, but it appears to involve the brain’s hippocampus and neocortex — the part of the brain where long-term memories are stored. It is thought that during sleep, the hippocampus replays the events of the day for the neocortex, where it reviews and processes memories, helping them to last for the long term.

    PS. Impska, this article was not intended for you. I don’t need to hear how you think people who do not score in the 90s do not know Accounting, and if they ever pass, they are destined to be another mediocre Accountant at best. This article is intended for the bad accountants as you call them. I guess Im referring to the candidates who are struggling to pass this exam. Please no drama!


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  • Author
  • #587916

    Interesting- I think I saw an article like this pop up on my Facebook feed today. I think sleep is the most important tool in passing the test. I only did an all nighter once in college and it was also the only test I ever failed. I always tell people that if you don't get enough sleep because you stay up all night studying, you're only going to do well if the test is on things you've memorized. In my case, the test wasn't and I was required to actually think and my brain just couldn't process the information because I hadn't slept in over 24 hours.


    I think all sections have their own reasons for being difficulty.

    FAR: Wealth of info to study.

    AUD: It is tricky.

    REG: Basically having to apply tax or business law concepts. All of the sudden one is slightly like a lawyer for this section.

    BEC: Have to study unrelated topics at once such as IT, economics, cost accounting, some auditing, ect.

    FAR 46*, 77
    AUD 70, 79
    BEC 67, 82
    REG 75

    Texas License July 2013

    Used Yaeger lectures based on Wiley textbooks

    *Studied less than two weeks, forgot I had purchased NTS.


    i skimmed the article…but does that entail sleep the night before or also sleep while studying the two months leading up to the exam?


    In being a person with narcolepsy, I can attest to the memory issues of sleep deprivation. There was a period 2 weeks prior to my FAR exam this month where I had an issue getting my sleep medication. I got absolutely nothing done. Couldn't focus nor retain any of the review material. Luckily I was able to get my meds the next week and I was able to jump back into full review mode before the exam. In my case, I have no choice but to sleep and get all studying done before nightfall.

    FAR 8/18/2014--87
    AUD 10/18/2014--78
    REG 11/24/2014--76
    BEC 2/28/2015--76

    "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough"-Albert Einstein

    Study Mats: Cpaexcel study text and EQ, Ninja MCQ, Ninja notes


    Warren Zevon said it best:

    I'll Sleep When I'm Dead.

    In the meantime, I'll study for FAR.


    I guess this article explains why it’s so hard to take information from short term memory to long term memory if you don’t sleep enough hours. This might also explained why a lot of students claim to get good scores on MC right after reading the chapter (short term memory),but then do not remember many details after 1 month when they are ready to review and do poorly on progress tests.



    gian, i agree with the short term memory and doing good on MC right after reading the book, makes total sense. But i've been sleeping 8 hours every day that i studied. i still forget stuff. ha interesting article nonetheless. this is just too much info to retain it all.

    BEC - 81 4/08/14
    FAR - 80 8/25/14 Thank you Jesus!
    REG - 69 (Nov 14),80 1/08/15 Thank God!
    AUD - 70 (May 14), xx 5/1/15

    Becker Online & Becker Flashcards
    I definitely wish I was one of those people who got all 4 exams done in 4 months, but unfortunately LIFE (being a newlywed, stress, adjusting to newlywed life and cpa exam study life, as well as starting a job with a Big4 which I am very happy about) got in the way, just happy that I am passing period!!

    I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!


    Kpb, believe me, if you were sleep deprived, you would have forgotten more.



    oh totally hahaha i LOVE sleep and NEED it. i can't focus on studying past like 9 or 10pm (i studied about 6-8 hours a day). and i'm about to start public, oh god! hopefully it won't be as bad as other places since i'm in a so called “small office” of a big 4….yikes

    BEC - 81 4/08/14
    FAR - 80 8/25/14 Thank you Jesus!
    REG - 69 (Nov 14),80 1/08/15 Thank God!
    AUD - 70 (May 14), xx 5/1/15

    Becker Online & Becker Flashcards
    I definitely wish I was one of those people who got all 4 exams done in 4 months, but unfortunately LIFE (being a newlywed, stress, adjusting to newlywed life and cpa exam study life, as well as starting a job with a Big4 which I am very happy about) got in the way, just happy that I am passing period!!

    I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!


    Mjganier,have you tried Modafinil for your narcolepsy? If you are using it, is this really the limitless drug as so many students claim it is?

    kpb, between stress, and sleep deprivation, this exam has turned into a nightmare for me.



    i'm sorry to hear that 🙁 it will soon pass, hopefully. Are you working while studying? What have you passed so far?

    BEC - 81 4/08/14
    FAR - 80 8/25/14 Thank you Jesus!
    REG - 69 (Nov 14),80 1/08/15 Thank God!
    AUD - 70 (May 14), xx 5/1/15

    Becker Online & Becker Flashcards
    I definitely wish I was one of those people who got all 4 exams done in 4 months, but unfortunately LIFE (being a newlywed, stress, adjusting to newlywed life and cpa exam study life, as well as starting a job with a Big4 which I am very happy about) got in the way, just happy that I am passing period!!

    I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!


    I was on it when I was first diagnosed 5 years ago but my body has an extreme sensitivity to a lot of stimulants, coffee and any other caffeinated products included, and I had to stop using it due to heart palpatations and bad headaches. I was then put on Xyrem so that I could instead really get a good nights sleep and it's been my miracle drug since. B12 has been the most I can take as a form of an energy booster.

    FAR 8/18/2014--87
    AUD 10/18/2014--78
    REG 11/24/2014--76
    BEC 2/28/2015--76

    "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough"-Albert Einstein

    Study Mats: Cpaexcel study text and EQ, Ninja MCQ, Ninja notes


    I do consulting, so I have plenty of time to study. The problem is that with many things going on in my life, and A wife nagging all the time, I have not been able to sleep well. The last time I took FAR I got a 71, and I’m taking it again next Sunday.



    8 hours of sleep? Do people actually get that much sleep??

    I haven't slept more than 6 hours in the past 10 years – this might explain some things!


    I always put sleep first! And it's worked for me so far! But I also have had a very lax summer with lots of time to study.

    BEC 5/31/14 83
    REG 7/3/14 86
    AUD 7/15/14 81
    FAR - waiting

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