Tablet – Best for Studying/Business purposes

  • Creator
  • #172669

    Since we accountants make sooo much money and the CPA exam process is sooo inexpensive, I wanted to find out what the best tablet is for studying/business related purposes. For those of you not up to speed, that was a joke. lol

    I have read online but would like to hear from ya’ll…What have you heard through the grapevine? For those of you who have tablets, what are the pros & cons of your model? There are so many to choose from that I do not know which one is best.

    Specs I am looking for:

    – Price range : $300 – $500

    – Optional Keyboard Attachable (Library use)

    – 10 inch screen

    Uses :

    – Best for studying

    – Library

    – Surf on the couch

    – Microsoft Office compatible

    Thanks everyone in advance.

    AUD 73 (Aug 12) 77
    BEC 66 71 (Nov 12) 80
    REG 54 81 (May 13) 81
    FAR 63 (Dec 13) 75 TEXAS

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  • Author
  • #356815

    Also wanted to add – No need for Data Pkg. Just regular internet connection is sufficient. But what are the best for both?

    AUD 73 (Aug 12) 77
    BEC 66 71 (Nov 12) 80
    REG 54 81 (May 13) 81
    FAR 63 (Dec 13) 75 TEXAS


    i use a lenovo while at home and regular samsung tablet while at work to study during lunch. anyone use anything else special?


    Any Samsung Galaxy Tablet will do just fine.

    A tablet will do just fine for the Test Bank and mcq's.

    However for some review courses, the DRS and SIMs might require Java, which you will be a computer for.


    It has been awhile but I did all of my studying on kindles with NINJA. I did do my ninja practice exams on my laptop. I now use an iPad for cpe and some emails job apps but not for tax work. All are WiFi only models. I prefer the iPad but at the time the kindles were great and cheap. I bought my iPad cheaper than retail prices through a deal with my cable/internet provider xfinity.

    FAR 7/25/15 76!
    AUD 10/30/15 93
    BEC 2/27/16 82
    REG 5/23/16 88!
    Ninja Book and MCQ and the forum - all the way!!!
    and a little thing i like to call, time and effort!
    if you want things to change, you have to do something different


    has anyone used a big phone like a samsung note to study?


    Test. Please ignore me.

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