- This topic has 68 replies, 24 voices, and was last updated 12 years, 6 months ago by
June 28, 2012 at 3:03 pm #172313
mena je twa
MemberI am a bit shocked!! A conservative judge – John Roberts, appointed by G. Bush voted with the 4 liberal judges. Unbelievable!!!! Hold on to your cash, stock market will plummet.
Licensed CPA, Texas - 2012
July 22, 2012 at 11:40 am #363078
InactiveWhy is that doctors are the only ones who can EASILY make six figures after spending years in schools.
I think it is ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS on how much these people make. Are they the ONLY profession that requires YEARS of education and experience. So Physicists, Mathematicians, Engineers, even accountants do not DESERVE a higher starting salary. Or better yet the teachers who TAUGHT those “doctors”. Police officers or firemen do not deserve a higher starting pay FOR PROTECTING THOSE “DOCTORS”?
How is it acceptable for doctors to paid an exuberant salary just because they are doctors?!
Accountants IMO are VERY underpaid and they work the same amount of hours that a doctor does IF NOT MORE! They're ability to DO their job can bring a company LITERALLY to their knees! (We all know what happens when a HUGE company goes under or almost)[BIG3 auto/Wallstreet bailout…without it,we would have a nationwide depression]
After obtaining BA/BS, MBA/MAcc/etc, CPA, 10 years experience you “may” start at 60K-70K? While doctors who 80% of the time you do not even see(a MD assistant or RN is usually helping you) when you go to the hospital make a cool 6 figs for signing a script?! Why is this not questioned? And dont even get me started on congress, how they make 150k+ for having the brain of a 10th grader! Really?! I vote EVERY chance I get but unfortnately all of us smart people are outnumbered by the not so smart people o_O
I AGREE with some of the above posters, there needs to be reform for how students obtain their MDs. Colleges make you take unnecessary classes that employers could care less about it BUT YET these same people say “Oh we want our students to excel” Obviously FUCKING NOT because if you bitches gave a damn, you would not make us take those “General ED” classes that MOST professionals don't effing use anymore. I guarantee you if I ask my mom about Gen Ed Chem, she will BARELY remember how to spell the damn thing
But lets not forget ALL schools are EXPENSIVE! NOT just medical schools.
i.e Lets consider a family that makes 180k
Their first born is going to be a freshman
[Oh that income seems like a lot] Well not really,Not if those parents STILL have 150k in student loans too(that they are paying off WITH interest mind you), STILL paying mortgage and NOW they're child is in college] That child cannot get financial aid because his/her parent makes too much…and his/her parent DEFINITELY cannot tackle on their child's 100k/4years of college education(worst case scenario….the child could not get any scholarships) [Scholarships are out there but you have to keep in mind that you have 1000s of applicants vying for the same scholarship].
Going to college then becomes a vicious cycle. Continuing my example:
The student owes 100K….the job she gets pays only 35k(HS Math Teacher)<<<<<which requires years of math….HIGHER LEVEL MATH.
His/her loan repayments will be EASILY over 1000 per month. That's about 12k per year!(pretty much paying for a brand new sedan every single year) so lets do some math! 35k-12k=23k And that student still needs to pay rent, utilities and blah blah blah…not even considering if this student has gotten married themselves and may have children too. But society tells us, oh he/she is just a HS teacher….their role is not as important as a “doctors” well before these people became “doctors” they were taught by “teachers” who make BARELY a fraction of what they make and their job is JUST as important. If you do not think so, let all the teachers across the US go on strike for one week and have congress and their doctors teach class. They are paid so handsomely that teaching some basic math to 20 kids should be a no brainer.
My point that I am trying to make is that I am sick of hearing wimpy stories about doctors,how they are not paid enough. When the fuck is enough?! 500K,800K , 1M annually???? I mean DAMN!
Dont get me wrong, they save lives BUT not alone! The equipment they use were made by tech and engineers who make b/n (32k-60k avg), those who are USUALLY caring for the patients are nurses and assistants(40k-70k avg), those who “account” for their finances are auditors and accountants(45k-65k avg) and WITHOUT these people doctors wouldnt be able to do what they need to do.Their 150k+ salary RELIES heavily on us “lower” workers.
This is the EXACT same problem with corporations. They seem to forget without “middle class” workers, their companies dont mean ANYTHING!
A lot are against Obamacare but w/o it,what will happen to those children who NEED it? what will happen to those students who CANNOT afford the healthcare offered by their employers…my fiance Healthcare plan would cost him 260 bi weekly for our family! We had to say no to it and we “make too much” for Medicaid. There are millions like us out there! What do you say to people like us, oh well life's not fair. Romney says oh use your employers insurance…well dumbass, you can't use it IF you cannot afford it! Obamacare is NOT perfect by any means but NO child should be turned away from “affordable” health care ESPECIALLY when we are spending TRILLIONS on helping OTHER countries and war! I was turned away from a dentist for my son because I could only pay 75 dollars upfront and not the whole 120 for a check up! Mind you that I was willing to make a payment plan and pay in cash[the money i earned working 8/hr at a local supermarket]. Many people deal with this and it is not right.
Inmates in prison get FREE healthcare(well, not really its paid for by OUR taxes)…Obamacare is pretty much the same thing[it follows pretty much the same concept]….it helps EVERYONE get healthcare. if ppl have a problem with that then please those who do,rise up against congress and TELL THEM to stop supplying healthcare for prison inmates for FREE!
July 22, 2012 at 1:25 pm #363079jeff
KeymasterThank you for your post, Acctnewbiemom.
I don't want the government to control anything – especially 1/5 of the U.S. economy.
Obamacare is designed so that people will be forced to be on Government-run health insurance.
The “tax” for not providing health insurance is much cheaper than the cost of the insurance, so companies will pay the tax and the employee will be on government insurance.
The Government should never be a player in the market … being both participant and referee. Let free market forces work.
Open the state borders so health insurance companies can compete across state lines.
We need tort reform so doctors don't have to pay insane malpractice rates.
If I go to college 10 years for a special skill – I darn well better be making more than a teacher – 5 to 10x more minimum or I'm not going to do it. Period. ROI on both time and money tell me this.
The US Government spends $18k per kid per year on education. Give us all $18k vouchers and let us send our kids to the school of our choice … put the market back into the education system again – and just like everything else – it will thrive.
My wife has a teaching degree by the way.
That was my mini-rant … I tried to not be political or offensive!
July 22, 2012 at 3:50 pm #363080mla1169
ParticipantI'll tell you one very good reason doctors make more than other professions: 10-60k a year in malpractice insurance.
FAR- 77
AUD -49, 71, 84
REG -56,75!
BEC -75Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.
July 22, 2012 at 7:29 pm #363081Anonymous
InactiveIll tell you another good reason doctors make more than any other profession: because they are the only ones who meet the true original criteria of a profession.
every other “profession” has just decided to adopt the term without fully meeting the true criteria of the term, mainly trust of society.
other “professions” only require society's trust when society has created laws requiring that trust. (yep that's circular).
However, even in complete anarchy you must give full trust to a doctor because you can't perform your own heart transplant or remove your own kidney.
July 23, 2012 at 5:11 am #363082makinthemagic
ParticipantI wonder if Olinto agrees that the penalty is a tax.
Bec 4/11/11 91
Aud 7/11/11 75
Reg 8/31/11 80
Far 5/24/11 86
Ethics - 98
California Licensed CPA
Illinois Registered CPAJuly 23, 2012 at 2:15 pm #363083Anonymous
July 23, 2012 at 2:20 pm #363084Anonymous
“A lot are against Obamacare but w/o it,what will happen to those children who NEED it? what will happen to those students who CANNOT afford the healthcare offered by their employers…my fiance Healthcare plan would cost him 260 bi weekly for our family! We had to say no to it and we “make too much” for Medicaid. There are millions like us out there! What do you say to people like us, oh well life's not fair. Romney says oh use your employers insurance…well dumbass, you can't use it IF you cannot afford it! Obamacare is NOT perfect by any means but NO child should be turned away from “affordable” health care ESPECIALLY when we are spending TRILLIONS on helping OTHER countries and war! I was turned away from a dentist for my son because I could only pay 75 dollars upfront and not the whole 120 for a check up! Mind you that I was willing to make a payment plan and pay in cash[the money i earned working 8/hr at a local supermarket]. Many people deal with this and it is not right.”
We need to keep in mind that health INSURANCE is not health CARE.
We also need to keep in mind the novel idea of PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY.
I currently pay $122/mo for a high deductible plan…under ObamaCare my rates will likely triple – or more – and I'll pay for services I don't want and don't need. How is this FAIR to me – someone who, on my own, keeps myself pretty healthy? Please explain, in terms that I can understand, why I should pay more so that someone else can pay less? How is that concept any different than taking YOUR accounting class grade of an A, and reducing it to a C just so that it will offset my grade of an F.
$260 bi-weekly for your fiance's portion of FAMILY HEALTH INSURANCE is a bargain in any market…and under ObamaCare, I'm betting the price will only drastically increase. (If you look, the TOTAL cost of a family plan runs right around $1,000 or more…so asking him to pay half is a pretty sweet deal!)
July 23, 2012 at 2:50 pm #363085mena je twa
MemberAll of us can do our civic duty and vote on Nov6th….. If Romney and GOP comes in, they will repeal this affordable health care. But uptill now, i have only heard the repubs talking about repealling this bill, how its bad for our economy etc, etc. What do they propose? nothing? All they want is a freaking tax cut for the rich…..
Licensed CPA, Texas - 2012
July 23, 2012 at 3:22 pm #363086jeff
KeymasterJust curious – who are “the rich” and what special tax breaks are they getting? It was my impression that they pay the lion's share of the taxes in the U.S.
July 23, 2012 at 3:23 pm #363087Anonymous
Inactive@Jeff…”The US Government spends $18k per kid per year on education. Give us all $18k vouchers and let us send our kids to the school of our choice … put the market back into the education system again – and just like everything else – it will thrive.”
— well, if you really want the government out of this, tell the government not to collect those tax for education at the first place. I don't have kids, why should I pay for other kids' education. So, don't even expect to receive that $18K from government if you really want the government out of it. You decide to have kids, you raise on your own cost.
July 23, 2012 at 3:48 pm #363088jeff
KeymasterCPA-Convertible … perhaps I wasn't clear … I don't want the government's money to educate my kids. We home school.
I pay taxes for educating my kids … and then I pay even more for the school stuff / sports out of pocket. That's our choice – it's how we roll – and you'll never hear me chirp about it.
My point was that if the government is going to spend the money anyway … do it in a way that actually works – the free market (ignoring the government handout of course 🙂
July 23, 2012 at 4:07 pm #363089Anonymous
Inactive@CPAConvertible – if everyone thought that way, our future would be absolute garbage. What about the future doctors, lawyers, etc. who are about to start going to elementary school? When you're old and need a doctor, your taxes will have helped pay for that doctor's education.
July 23, 2012 at 5:02 pm #363090Anonymous
InactiveHello! Anyone????
Please, define “rich” and provide substantiated proof that they are not paying their “fair share”.
On a related note, I don't understand why so many people are jealous of the “rich”. Don't we all want that option open to ourselves, our children, and future generations?
I don't have children and I complain about paying school taxes – yet I live in a desirable neighborhood and the home prices are based on the reputation of our school. I like that my property value hasn't declined (even in this economy) based on that school. With that said, I'll gladly pay school taxes for children I don't have.
July 23, 2012 at 8:50 pm #363091Anonymous
Inactive@entourage…that wasn't my opinion. It was an assumption based on Jeff's comment about the 18K…see the quoted words before my comment.
July 23, 2012 at 9:28 pm #363092Anonymous
InactiveAh ok, I see now, sorry.
Also, Jeff, when you state that it's the biggest tax in US history, I urge you to read this:
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