Speeding Ticket Help! - Page 3

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  • #1838741

    This is very random but… I got a speeding ticket last night (a speed trap at the bottom of a large hill) and it’s the 2nd one in 6 months (the other was on a highway which isn’t considered a highway so the speedlimit was 55). Both are very much my fault, but at the same time are frustrating considering both were past 10:00pm with absolutely no one around. Had they been at 7am going the same speeds, no one would be pulled over.

    I’m doing online supervision for the first one but you can’t do it twice in 12 months. These are the only tickets I’ve ever gotten. What do I do? Also, I’m 23.

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  • #1839784

    I'm not taking the time to read the other messages so excuse any repeat advice but I knew a guy (me) who fought his (my) speeding ticket. I did my research and requested discovery from the prosecutor's office, I had a very good case (unlike you) and probably would've won. I never had to go to trial however, I went to the judge, plead not guilty, and talked to the prosecutor. Let's put it this way, the prosecutor has a lot of more serious stuff to deal with than a speeding ticket so talk to them and work out a deal. You're still going to pay a fine but depending on how you handle yourself there's a good chance you'll get out of getting points on your license.

    FAR: 80 (Gleim, Ninja Notes, Ninja MCQs)
    REG: 87 (Gleim, Ninja Notes, Ninja MCQs)
    BEC: 87 (Gleim, Ninja Notes, Ninja MCQs)
    AUD: 8/27/16

    PA Candidate


    I'm not a lawyer, but I did read “The Firm” in high school.

    When I flipped a U-turn on a highway a few years back (stand-still construction traffic and my friend called an invited me to grab BBQ … “heyyyyy-OOOOO”, I said … made my tactical manuever … and then joined a line of other suckers that had been pulled over by state troopers (which somehow I didn't notice before-hand).

    I lawyered up, baby!

    Oh wait … I called the court house, paid triple and moved on 😀

    (Always seek professional advice before making a decision .. my story was for anecdotal entertainment value only) 🙂


    Thanks for the help guys, those of you that actually were constructive at least lol!


    I wish some of us wouldn't always be so quick to judge. Yeah, if you break the law you should pay, but it's good to at least know all your options, especially in a legal matter.


    To the OP – Was this the result of a “Fast & Furious” type race vs another CPA where the winner gets the brand new set of sealed CPA review course? 😀



    This is hardly a legal matter. It's a speeding ticket! The OP is in the middle of studying for the CPA exam. There really is no judging going on. I think it is MUCH more accurate to say that myself and some other respondents were merely trying to guide the OP to see the bigger picture…to focus on what is actually going to matter long-term…getting licensed.

    But the OP seemed bent on attempting to find some way to at least partially get out of something that by the OP's own admission…actually happened (speeding).

    It pains me to see young people searching for safety nets and legal excuses when the best course of action is to just take your medicine and move on. It's part of growing up and becoming an actual adult.



    Can we just close this thread? Some people seem to have missed the point and I've gotten what I needed. Thanks


    ages 20-30 – Conventional wisdom is to always show up to the courthouse and hope the ticketing officer doesn't show so they'll throw the ticket out.
    ages 31-65 – just pay because you don't have time to show up to the courthouse and hope the ticketing officer doesn't show so they'll throw the ticket out.

    I'm not a lawyer, I just play one when I'm answering business law questions for REG.


    Back in the day when cars still had speedometer cables you could just go to court with an auto parts store receipt for a new speedo cable and get the ticket dropped.
    The good ole days.

    This is status quo for the american legal system. Get charged, plead not guilty, get offered a plea deal.
    If you're guilty (or poor) you take the deal, if you have a defense (and $) you take it to trial.

    I have the money to pay a ticket now, but I'd still go to court, especially if its gives me an excuse to get out of the office.


    @ emerged

    Or…instead of asking someone else to step in (again I might add), just deal with the comments, learn from the experience, and move on.


    ha this thread continues to entertain. Meanwhile how many hours has the OP spent not studying and focusing on this ticket?


    Yes it does Tommy…yes it does


    This post def. was entertaining. I was planning to sleep an hour ago but I kept reading everyone's comment. You all are right in your own experience. When I was in 20s I lived in NY and def. did not plead guilty for any ticket, always plead not guilty and never got any points on my license, never wanted my insurance to go up. We all do silly things when we are young and always learn from it. I don't make same mistakes now what I made in 20s. I am sure OP will learn too. I think @Jeff enjoying it too much so he did not close the thread.

    @ tommythecat..you crack me up

    @recked…I am with you, did the same when I lived in NY. So I can relate to another New Yorker 🙂

    I hope OP update the outcome of his ticket.

    FAR - August 2016
    AUD - September 2016
    REG - October 2016
    BEC - November 2016

    Remember: "Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler." - Albert Einstein


    Yo, court was the 19th.
    What happened with your ticket?

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