Should I switch full time at the bank or look for accounting experience?

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  • #1773777

    Hey all, I’m relatively new to the forum and I’m looking for advice.
    I graduated from college for almost 4 years and I’ve been struggling to find accounting experience.
    I took a year off after graduating to take the CPA exam but failed all parts.
    I’ve been working with Accountemps for the last few years and landed some interviews initially but they have no longer arranged interviews for me now.
    I’ve been working temp assignments since and recently starting working at a bank.
    The bank is interested to take me on full-time.

    Right now I’m faced with the decision to switch full time or not.
    The position does not involve accounting functions, it’s mostly related to finance/banking so the experience I acquire will not help my resume very much.
    If I switch full-time, I’m afraid that I won’t have time to find accounting positions of any sort (temp, P/T, F/T or even internships).
    Some friends advised me that it’s better off for me to focus on finding accounting positions rather than wasting time at the bank.
    But, I’m not sure when I’ll be able to secure that accounting position (even if it’s an internship) and some people tell me it’s better to have some experience on the resume rather than employment gaps.
    This is a full time position and requires commitments but I’m not interested in getting series 7 licenses (or any related banking licenses) nor switch careers.

    I’ve thought of volunteering at H&R Block or accounting firms just to have some experience on the resume but is that helpful?? I do admit that I’m reluctant to work for free.. but the biggest question is I’m not sure how to get my foot in the door. How do I get employers to give me that first chance and hire me, even if it’s an internship?

    Will passing the CPA mitigate the inexperience factor?? I’ve failed once but I still want to retake it in the future.

    I’m starting to get discouraged and would want to seek advice. Can anybody give me some feedback, I really appreciate it!!

    P.S. I don’t have financial burdens but it’s not pleasant to rely on family.. The bank is not opening part-time positions.

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  • Author
  • #1773816

    You'll have a much easier time finding a job if you've got solid full time employment on your resume. Four years of time off, temp jobs, and part time work are hard to explain in interviews and while an actual accounting position is better you don't have an offer for one yet.

    Licensed Massachusetts Non Reporting CPA since 2012
    Finance/Admin/HR Manager


    I had that in mind as well. Full time experience is important even if it is irrelevant experience right?


    I second what Missy says. I'm a CPA at a bank. Unless it is a really small bank, there will probably be opportunities to move around within the bank at some point. So if you did take a full time position, there would probably be the chance to move to the accounting department after you spend some time in the finance position.

    Banking hours are great if you want time to study for the CPA exam. You probably won't be looking at working any more than 40 hours a week. Which is typically not the case if you go work at CPA firm.


    I’m a CPA at a bank as well. A LOT of our accounting staff worked in different parts of the bank before moving into the accounting department. It could be a great way to get your foot in the door.

    Banker hours are pretty nice. I was able to study for the CPA exams while working full time. Sometimes, if work was slow, I was allowed to study during work hours as well.

    Whatever the position, don’t play it as irrelevant to an accounting position. By understanding the operational side of banking, it will help you understand the funds flow of the bank.


    I understand what you mean Meg. Just so happens the accounting Dept. is in another state and the bank is not too big ><


    Ouch. That makes a difference. Are there not any accounting related positions anywhere in your area? When I graduated from college, I had trouble finding a job. I ended up taking an accounting assistant job and working up from there.


    I just accepted the position. I’ll likely continue looking for accounting work while working full time. Yes, this bank is relatively small so not inter-dept. transfer.


    Congrats on the new position!

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