Score releases: Why must we wait so long?! Predictions?

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  • #172946

    Hey guys,

    I’m a little ADD right now and can’t study so I thought I’d just vent a little bit about not having my FAR score back yet. According to Jeff, it looks like scores will start getting released tomorrow. Let’s hope so! I really don’t want to wait till Monday or Tuesday…

    I took the test several weeks ago now and yet the AICPA has yet to give us our scores. Really, what takes them so long? It’s an automated test! I took REG on the last day of the Q2 testing window and I only had to wait a week. Waiting a month to get your score back is torture… On top of that, I walked out of REG pretty well knowing I had passed. FAR, on the other hand, would be a pleasant surprise if I passed. I had TONS of IFRS questions and I know they can’t all be pretest. I’m just hoping for the best. Anything north of 75 will be cause for much rejoicing and jubilation.

    That being said, here’s my prediction of FAR:

    Pass: 81

    Fail: 73

    I think it all depends on the SIM that gets thrown out. I had 2 really tough SIMs that I’d be lucky to get 25% right. If one of those get tossed, I’ll be in good shape.

    Best of luck to you all! Let’s hope scores get released tomorrow rather than Monday…

    REG (5/31/12) - 90
    FAR (7/12/12) - 85
    AUD (8/23/12) - 91
    BEC (10/13/12) - 85

    Using Becker 2012 Materials, Self-Study

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  • #361715

    74 fail / 80 pass

    I am convinced I have a 74 with my REG retake. My husband is convinced I have an 80. I hope he's right. We'll find out tomorrow.

    I know that predictions are futile (except I predicted I was going to get a 53 with my first REG attempt and that happened), but my prediction is that I either barely failed or barely passed.

    REG- 53, 91
    BEC- 88
    FAR- 62, 85
    AUD- 85

    Ethics- 93


    Let's be optimistic…


    I could get anywhere from a 60-80 on BEC.

    FAR 4/9/12- PASSED
    BEC 7/13/12- PASSED
    AUD 8/16/12- Ughhh 71, Rematch: 90!!!
    REG-12/6/12 PASSED

    USC MAcc- Fight on!

    They say good things come to those who wait, but only those things that are left by those who hustle.


    I feel as if i failed REG, just had the hardest second and third testlets. The simulations were just as hard for me.

    FAR - Pass
    AUD - Pass
    REG - Pass
    BEC - Pass


    Since this is my first time getting my computerized grades, do we get email notification of the grade or do we get an email to check NASBA? And what time of day? I'm in NY so should get it same day release…




    Fairly certain I failed REG as well. I know for a fact that I did one whole sim entirely wrong and the multiple choice were crazy hard. I have fallen crazy far behind studying for BEC and have less than a week to go and still have two chapters of homework to do for Becker before I even begin my final review! I'm so screwed!!!

    FAR 93
    AUD 89
    REG 81
    BEC 87
    Ethics 100

    Becker 2012 Self-Study


    75 will be perfect, but had a dream last night with a 68…..Anxiously waiting for a passing score.

    Done 😉
    Class of 2012!!!!
    Lots of prayers and hard work....


    Honestly.. thought I did well preparing for REG.. I did all Becker MCQs in 1 day.. All the tax questions ~650ish in 5.5 hours.. I did both exams, and scored 70+ on them both.. I kept reviewing, I did the wiley MCQ's multiple times… as well as all sims.. Come exam day.. I didn't know a thing…

    I feel like I guessed through the whole thing.. and on top of that, I did all MCQ's in about 50 minutes.. They where not that lengthy like some people said they have.. Mine where a few sentences max…

    Im predicting a 47. Yeah, really… Its okay I plan to take it after busy season.. Good luck to everyone!



    I know, right!? I pushed my REG test back a week. I pushed it back to day 21 of the test window ;|. Now have to wait extra long AND my state board reports scores through snail mail.

    mgoloubenko: I felt similar and got an 89 by the way.

    nfs480: BEC is the most study-crammable test (not sure if you can succesfully do this with the other sections) & I don't remember the last two chapters to be particularly difficult. Especially, if you study 10 hour days till your test, it is passable. 2 days for 2 chapters and 4 days for 2 exams & 2 100Q practice tests.

    REG - Passed!!
    BEC - Passed
    FAR - Passed
    AUD - Passed

    Study Materials: Becker basic course


    @ futuremdcpa

    How in the world?!? What's your secret for that level of mental endurance?

    BEC - 84
    AUD - 83
    FAR - 82
    REG - 81



    @MIA2CPA – I try to tell myself I do not want to study while working. Its bad enough doing it without any work.. cant imagine doing with while working!! Sometimes I hit a wall really badly.. I mean, Id do a few hours of work, and id call it quits. This usually happens when I start getting a few problems wrong, and I get frustrated. I usually go to a library early in the morning, pack a lunch, and just take a few breaks here and there and keep plowing through the material.. Its really sad though how I did all that, and probably BOMBED reg.. I was ready to break the computer. Oh well, always a next time.



    Futuremdcpa, I am willing to bet big that you did not get a 47, and I think you're likely to have passed. So much of this is about how you feel going in, not coming out.

    FAR 4/9/12- PASSED
    BEC 7/13/12- PASSED
    AUD 8/16/12- Ughhh 71, Rematch: 90!!!
    REG-12/6/12 PASSED

    USC MAcc- Fight on!

    They say good things come to those who wait, but only those things that are left by those who hustle.

    Mrs 300

    I am optimistically hoping for a score in the 80s because of how I felt when I left the exam. I am pretty much dead on in knowing how I did on all of my exams so far. I believe that I predicted a 78 passing score last time and a 74 failing score. I KNEW it was close last time.

    Unfortunately, the further I get from my test date, the more I am questioning myself. But I know that I was prepared and I felt good when I left. I hope I am not surprised!

    REG - 80 (Becker only)
    BEC - 76 (Becker only)
    AUD - 71, 76 (Becker only)
    FAR - 65, 74, 81! (Becker, Wiley Test Bank, Ninja notes & Audio)

    CPA Class of 2012 🙂



    You should check your scores on the NASBA site (I'm pretty sure that NY isn't a snail mail state…). Just put in your NTS number and other info and it should be there tomorrow (maybe) or Monday. It'll probably be there at like 8:00 AM.

    @Mrs 300

    I'm pulling for you! “Third time is the charm!”


    I'm with mgoloubenko. There's no way you got a 47 if you put that much effort and time in. I'm sure you did better than you think you did!

    REG (5/31/12) - 90
    FAR (7/12/12) - 85
    AUD (8/23/12) - 91
    BEC (10/13/12) - 85

    Using Becker 2012 Materials, Self-Study


    Would you say the wait time is comparative to that of the SATs?

    In highschool, most of us students have ADD and the waiting is torture when applying for colleges.

    Im sure you did well! 🙂 We are here to support you!

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