REG Advice – Exam 8 Days

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  • #2443959

    Hello everyone. Happy Sunday! I’m taking REG my first attempt in around 8 days and I’m starting to get a little nervous because I feel like my overall grasp of the information is lacking. I’m finishing Becker modules today along with all the homework questions and will probably take a mock tomorrow but don’t think I’m going to do that great on it. My plan is to keep rereading the REG Ninja notes, skim my notes, Becker final Review, maybe 2 mock exams, and hammering out MCQ’s to pick up the material better since I feel like I only have a base knowledge currently. I would appreciate any suggestions or help, thanks so much everyone!

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  • #2443971

    Hi David – I also am taking the exam in 8 days and feel basically the exact same. I am starting to get very anxious that I don't know enough, while also trying to calm that anxiety and just dial in and focus on what I need to know. This is my last exam so I just want to be done.


    Oh, wow! I was just coming on here to express the same concerns. My exam is on the 9th and I'm really feeling nervous about what I do not know. Some of these concepts are just killing my confidence. I was actually beginning to think about not testing this quarter, but it's my last exam and I feel like I must take advantage of every quarter. This is also my last exam and AUD expires in Dec. I know what it feels like to lose a section and have to retake it, so needless to say…I'm super flustered right now.

    I'm tired of operating in fear and mediocrity. It's time to try. It's time to do. It's time to go.


    Haha, well this forums great. Happy to know I'm not the only one struggling out there, sometimes feels like you're the only one struggling with an exam only 8 days out. Just have to study hard guys, I guess and make the best out of it. I have tax experience and REG is still so much content and material sometimes feels like a blur. Born to win, I was contemplating pushing it but I'm going to just attempt it this quarter at this point no matter what because the window closes anyways.


    @David – I personally wouldn't take any mock exams, especially because that is time that could be used to hammer out MCQs. I use Wiley w/ Ninja, and I am not sure how Becker's mock exams compare or differ to Wiley's mock exams. Aside from that, I think doing MCQs and re-reading notes, especially in weaker areas, would be good. It seems like there are mixed feelings about this, but I would also suggest doing some SIMs too, those really helped bring everything together for me for REG. If you haven't already, I also highly suggest checking out the AICPA sample test. Good luck!


    @david, These eight days is like a marathon. Review and re-write notes with day and night mcq's. There is no time to waste or incorporate new study suggestions. Mcq's like never before. Get that trending up to above 80 if you're using ninja. If not, do what ever course you have mcq's. but in my opinion mcq marathon and if you can stand it a few sims.

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader....ready to pass


    If I’m unable to get my trending score above 75% then I may have to move my exam to July. I’m trying to decide if it’s better to go for it or just wait—these exams are not cheap.

    I'm tired of operating in fear and mediocrity. It's time to try. It's time to do. It's time to go.


    Well better safe than sorry. My gut said go for it, but I also wish I had waited and got that score up. Now I have to pay and take it again, 🙁

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader....ready to pass


    i have passed exams with my trending score being under 75, even under 70. i currently feel the same as all of you guys about REG. it's the last exam i have left and my trending score is not where i need it but i am trying to get through as many MCQ's in a day as i can, and reading through my notes. i have notecards that i prepared since i started studying in late-march and i also recently just opened a word document and started typing up notes from info i get from MCQ answer explanations. i just started it a few days ago and i already have a lot on there. when i need a break, or if it's almost time for bed, or right when i wake up, i just spend some time reading over my Word doc. it's like a chill way of studying, just a not-as-stressful few minutes of reviewing. my exam is on the 7th so i only have a few more days.

    i used roger from late-march through may 22nd, basically after i got through the book, and then i started ninja on may 23 and have been doing a lot of MCQ's. i cant stand doing SIMs so i've only done a few.

    @BORNTOWIN, if i were you i would definitely attempt it this quarter, don't push to july. you never know. even if you get under 75, at least you'll have an idea of how you are doing. from my experience, when you're doing MCQ's at home you're just not as careful when it comes to reading the problem/answering as you are on the exam, so my exam scores have been higher than any of my trending scores.


    Hey everyone, I'm in the same boat; my exam is June 10th.

    Just read another post where a lot of people were saying the MCQs were decent and the SIMs were just ???, no one even knows how to describe. Many said the SIMs were nothing close to any practice ones they did, but one good suggestion someone made was to go over how to use the new authoritative literature (which you could in the AICPA practice, I think? not 100% sure, I haven't personally checked if its there). That could help in the SIMs to guide you, even if the question doesn't say to use it, remember it is there. Also, many said it took them like 20-30 mins to answer the research question, so hopefully with knowledge on how to properly use it, it can take you a shorter amount of time.

    To keep on preparing I'm going to keep going over notes, MCQs, AICPA mock, maybe another (I like the suggestion that I could be using that time to do more MCQs, so maybe not), and go over the authoritative literature program.

    Good luck everyone!!!!


    THANK GOD. I am so lost with this material lol. I have the very fundamentals down, but like the ranges, amounts, and rules about limitations and thresholds is getting to me. I fortunately took a Tax class this last semester and my tax prof was fantastic, but, it only covered like really obscure topics like stuff mostly covered in R6. I absolutely killed gifts and estates, foreign taxes, and FICA and bits and parts about contract law. However, when it comes to AMT and some random BLaw stuff and 1120, I'm dumber than a rock WTF


    Ugh! I'm still feeling unprepared. I should've put in a lot more effort a few weeks ago considering that it's just now starting to come together for me. I know this is going to be a hail Mary for me because I can't even seem to remember what I need to when it comes to Corporations and Partnerships. Da**it. If I don't sit this upcoming Sunday then I'll still have 2 more quarters to pass this part until I lose AUD. Don't mind me people. I'm just debating on if I should be focused on giving myself my best chance by waiting until July to test OR throwing money down the drain on an attempt I know will prove unsuccessful. This is supposed to be my last exam…

    I'm tired of operating in fear and mediocrity. It's time to try. It's time to do. It's time to go.

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