Reasons to fail a background check?

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  • #2852877

    So I passed the CPA over 2 years ago actually, and went on a hiatus from my career, but am back in.

    I am wondering what it would take to fail a background check?

    I have a violation of misconduct from like 4 years ago, and over 30k in student loan debt that are in collections. I’ve actually defaulted on a total of about 130k.. my concern is whether or not these defaults would result in CPA license background check failure.. My long term plan is to settle these student loans with lump sum settlements in the near future instead of paying the full amount, I would in fact qualify as going through economic hardship if I were to pay these minimum payments.

    I am in NY btw

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  • Author
  • #2852895

    I guess that is up to the board to make their decision. They basically ask if the person becomes a CPA would they represent the profession in a good ethical manner? Will they protect the public?


    What do you mean by misconduct?

    As for the loans… they may or may not pose a problem for getting your license, but keep in mind that credit checks on prospective employees as part of background checks (particularly employees who will have access to sensitive client data or assets) are becoming more common.

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