Quit Job to Study Full-Time

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  • #168806

    Curious to find out if anyone on this forum quit their full-time job to study for the exam?

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  • #336522

    No. Finding a different job if you already have one is much easier than finding one when you don't. Exam is doable while working. I'm working/studying and it's hard but possible. Before deciding why don't you try to study and take at least one exam. Good luck in whatever you decide!

    R - 74;88
    A - 84
    B - 74;89
    F - no study = 67; May 15 = 87 & done


    I've dreamed about doing that and then my stomach growls and I realize that I have to work to eat. That pretty much slaps me back to reality.


    Good point, if I could afford to quit I would totally do it lol!!

    R - 74;88
    A - 84
    B - 74;89
    F - no study = 67; May 15 = 87 & done


    Agree with Tina. Its not worth it to quit the job you have to study, hoping you will pass and find a job immediately. I know there are people who pass the exam rather quickly when they have done nothing but study (no job, kids, etc.), however there are also many people who still don't pass the first time around even without having other commitments.

    Job or no job, its going to be a tough test and what matters is the effort and dedication you put into it!

    AUD - 74, 77! (1/2016)
    BEC - 80! (5/2016)
    REG - tbd (8/2016)
    FAR - tbd

    Study materials: NINJA MCQ/Audio/Notes

    "I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me!"


    One of the reasons someone would want to quit their job to study is so they don't have to cut something else out of their life. More often than not, it is a social life they don't want to give up.

    8 hours of sleep

    3-5 hours of study

    10-11 hours of work (drive in, drive home, etc)

    1-2 hours of random time

    You have plenty of time to study even with a job. It, even though I know it shouldn't, shocks me when people would rather give up work than give up “hanging” with friends (I'm not implying that was OP's intention either).

    But that probably explains why I don't really have any friends 🙂

    Texas CPA
    Licensed 03/12


    just try to sneak in as much studying as you can while you're at work. especially if you're in private and you don't need billable hours.


    I did!!!! I quit to dedicate myself to study. Although I don't work to produce any money, I have the everyday house chores, my daughter, helping part time my dad at his office and the CPA exam. So time is tight still but more manageable.

    B - 62, 70, 72, 79!!!
    A - 68, 81
    R - 70, 82
    F - 84

    "The limit to your abilities is where you place them" - Fortune Cookies


    Personally I think I would have been less productive even with studying if I didn't have a full time job. It was all I could do to study when I had a day off, let alone months or a year off. Besides it would be no guarantee and I would have felt awful had I quit my job and not passed.

    Now the above does NOT apply to everyone, people approach things differently. But it would have been disastrous for me even if I could have afforded it.

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.

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