Question to CPAs – where do you place CPA license?

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  • #179459

    After getting CPA license,

    1. where did you place it? office? or home?

    2. did you buy a frame to keep the CPA license mint?

    My wife, and I are both CPAs (I am soon-to-be CPA. I will be CPA once my licensing process is completed), and are thinking to buy frames for our CPA licenses, and keep them in our house. I also want to put it in my office just to let people know that I am a CPA.

    I was thinking whether I can make a photocopy of my license and put the copy on the wall of my cube. Is it legal to do so?

    CPA - Class of 2013
    ALMI (Associate, Life Management Institute)
    CISA - Passed in 2011, Certified in 2014

    In Progress:
    ASA (Associate of Society of Actuaries) - EXAM P (O), EXAM FM (O), EXAM MFE (X), EXAM MLC (X), EXAM C (X)

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  • #430967

    Personal opinion, if you don't have your own practice, putting the license in your office or cubicle is kind of tacky. If it says you're a CPA on your business card/nameplate, that should suffice for office. If you own your own practice, heck yes put that up!

    I say you and your wife frame them in your home office and toast to your combined achievement. (toast preferably with alcohol)

    FAR 02/21/13 - 95
    REG 07/02/13 - 87
    AUD 08/02/13 - 94
    BEC 08/30/13 - 85
    Ethics Exam - 90

    Illinois candidate awaiting his license

    Used Becker Self Study | Ninja Audio | Becker Flash Cards | Ninja Notes | Wiley Test Bank


    I am putting it up in my office…sorry peetree…tacky or not…that baby is going UP on the wall. I have a hand painted and framed CPA postage stamp that is going up beside the license. I also have a large pencil that someone made for me (about 5 feet long) that is going underneath both of those. I have a blank wall waiting for it…but it is a wall that I face. You can't see it if you are just walking by. I found the painting of the stamp similar to this:

    about a year ago and I've kept it wrapped up in the paper until I can hang it!


    All the CPA's in my office have their licenses up in a frame. I plan on doing that same, and adding my degree(now that one would look funny all by itself currently which is why I will wait until I get the CPA to keep it company). Also, my boss and co workers display the certificates from AICPA and Cal CPA (big big certificates).

    As for making a copy, I don't think it's legal(but you better check your state's rules) and why would you want to? It probably would look bad. If you want to display in two places might want to invest a little more and get an official copy.

    Congratulations to you and your wife!! My boyfriend and I are hoping to be like you two soon šŸ™‚

    CA CPA - All because of the journey listed below
    FAR - 53('10), 8/25/12 79 PASSED!
    REG - 66('11), 69('12), 12/06/12 77 PASSED!!
    BEC - 58('10), 74('12), 01/05/13 77 PASSED!!!
    AUD - 43('11), 66('12), 69('13), 74('13) 7/29/13 85 PASSED!!!!!

    (Combinations of Roger, Yaeger, Wiley Book, Wiley TB, & NINJA Notes)

    Ethics 90%


    Right on Baxter!

    Like I said, I think it has to do with personal opinion as well as your environment. If everyone else is doing it, you might as well too!

    I know people would look at me funny in my office. Sort of like a “good for you, join the rest of us” look.

    FAR 02/21/13 - 95
    REG 07/02/13 - 87
    AUD 08/02/13 - 94
    BEC 08/30/13 - 85
    Ethics Exam - 90

    Illinois candidate awaiting his license

    Used Becker Self Study | Ninja Audio | Becker Flash Cards | Ninja Notes | Wiley Test Bank


    Mine is in a frame, on the wall, behind me at my office. I'm sick of people thinking I'm the “secretary”. While there was nothing wrong with being the secretary for 20 years, I'm not anymore. So when they say “I'm not sure if you will know the answer to my question or if I need to talk to your boss.” I point to the huge frame that holds the piece of paper that say's “Yeah, I know the freaking answer to your question.”



    love the stamp link….will be purchasing one. It's not enough CPA stuff out there to show off, but I'll keep looking. As for the license in the office definitely and hopefully I can get an extra one for home to go with my BS and MS degrees ( working on passing the test first).

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader....ready to pass


    Tncincy: Mine is a painting of the stamp. I tried to put a picture or a link here but it didn't work. It was hand painted and I found it in a consignment shop for $8. Cool thing…it was painted in 1992 and the guy's name,address and phone number are hand written on the back. I called him up 21 years later and he still lived at the same address and his phone still worked. I asked him if he painted it and he said yes. He painted three…his son and daughter in law are both CPAs and they each have one in their offices…and I found the third. I found it on a day when I was ready to give up after my mom passed away and I received another failing score a few days after. For some reason, it gave me hope. Talking to that old fella was such a treat. He told me to call him back when I pass and I am absolutely planning to do that.

    My 5 foot pencil is another groovy thing. I found it in the back of a closet at my new job last year ( a few months after the painting). Someone had made it for a school prop. I scared everyone when I found it and practically yelled “OMG…can I HAVE this??!!” The girl who made it took it home and re-painted it for me and it is cool as all get out.

    It's the little things…


    I paid $100 for each frame (KS and AICPA cert)


    If I close out FAR this quarter I will buy the gaudiest/biggest/ostentatious frame I can get my hands on for that license!!! I will also be ordering a plethora of “From the desk of MintsRGood, CPA” crap and stationary as well. I will be sure to use it for my scathing review comments for the staff accountants who thought I was too dumb to ever get through auditing! Suckers! šŸ˜‰

    I'm also up for a new car in October and if I have a license in hand by then I fully intend on ordering a specialty plate that reads CPA and my initials. Again the work haters will have to look at it everyday and it pleases me to think of them grinding their teeth when they see it initially (I'm spoiled at work and have an assigned and covered parking space right by the main door, it's clutch in the winter time!). I realize that is nuts, WAY over the top, and makes me sound like a terrible person but it will be very gratifying nonetheless!

    @Baxter I love your stamp painting!!!

    @Kricket You are the best and I hope you are doing well!!!!!!!!!! šŸ™‚

    REG: 75 DONE šŸ™‚
    AUD: 61, 71, 68, 92 DONE šŸ™‚
    BEC: 76 DONE šŸ™‚
    FAR: 72, 74, 79 DONE šŸ™‚
    Licensed Michigan CPA šŸ™‚
    -Some people dream of success...others wake up and work hard for it!!!
    -The cowards never start and the weak die along the way!
    -You better work, b***h!
    -Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.-JFK


    It's free to dream, right?

    Though I'm a tattoo antagonist, I'd probably get tattooed (CPA) on my forehead. LOL.

    Just kidding.


    Sometime in the future, in a parallel universe, when I get mine I plan to just get a big chain and wear it like a necklace.


    Mine is framed and hung in my office. A client of mine came in yesterday and congratulated me and said “I remember when you started 10 years ago.” I haven't seen him in a while. Well since I passed anyway.

    Started sitting in May 2002, on and off. But since 2008 I've been nonstop and my scores are....
    AUD - 39, 48, 56, 65, 68, 73, 76!!! (Finally passed in Oct 2011!!!) Becker, NINJA, & Wiley
    REG - 75 (Lost Credit) 72, 68, 73, 75 (Passed again in Aug 2011) Becker, NINJA, & Wiley
    FAR - 65, 68, 75 (Lost Credit) 68, 73, 73, 80 (Passed again in May 2012) Roger, NINJA, & Wiley
    BEC - 65, 68, 71, 72, 72, 71, 76 (Lost Credit)- 70, 76!!!! I AM DONE!!! - Roger, NINJA, & Wiley
    After 10 long years of studying, I AM DONE!!!! Finally a Licensed CPA in the State of New York!!


    @mints – I thought about the personalized plate, but they are way too expensive in Louisiana. So I'll just stick with what I've got. I got my business cards in last week, and I've handed them out to everyone! I'm doing GREAT by the way. Doctor said that “uptake was normal and the thyroid cancer is DEAD”. At least for now. I'll have doctors watching me like a hawk for the rest of my life, but I'm cool with that since I'll HAVE a rest of my life now. I must say that today I got to send a very tactful letter to a medical provider that mailed me a very nasty letter demanding payment for an amount disallowed by my insurance company. It felt good to put that AICPA symbol at the bottom with letterhead that has Anita “Kricket” Mitchell, CPA at the top!

    @amordiva – I thought about the tattoo thing myself, but I've got a 6″ scar on my throat that tells a much better story than any tattoo ever could.

    @metal_majesty – Oooooh, I never thought about jewelry! That's brilliant! Thanks! I know what I want for my birthday this year.


    I will definitely be buying a really nice frame for my certificate, as well as matching frames for my degrees. They will be hung up at home. I'm at a client site year-round and it would be silly to have my framed certificate on the wall.

    I'm probably looking at close to $500 for the 3 frames I want, but it's worth it to me after all that hard work!

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