Q: Reporting illegal immigrants who paid no taxes

  • Creator
  • #2911842

    Hi guys,

    I am sorry that I am unsure it is proper way to post it here, but somehow I get used to post questions here. Please disregard of my post if you feel it is uncomfortable with it.

    I’m tax professional and recently I discover some restaurants who are hiring illegal immigrants paying no taxes, not reporting any income. Furthermore, I know they are making up numbers on corporation tax return.

    I am thinking to report this fraud activity to IRS by calling hotline. I wonder how long IRS will take action if I do it. Or they dont follow up if it is just one reporting.

    Should I continue reporting on Monday or just let it be?

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  • Author
  • #2911998

    How do you know they are illegal immigrants? What is your relationship with the business(es) or workers in question? If they are your clients, your primary duty is to inform them of errors that you have discovered and to consider whether you should continue your professional relationship with them. You are not an IRS investigator.


    Thank you.

    They are not my clients and I know my professional duty if they are my clients.

    My friends are working there and they told me what happened. They asked whether I would like to report this issue to IRS or not.


    if your friend are that bothered by this, they should be the ones who report them. why drag you into this?

    i personally wouldn't b/c my family started out as illegal immigrants and became citizens.


    First of all, they are not speaking very well in English and afraid of dealing with IRS for this.

    Secondly, they have already told me all detail for what happened at the every beginning.

    Let me think if I should help for that or not.

    Thank you for all.

    Biff Tannen

    If I were you, I’d try to brushing up on elementary school grammar before calling out immigrants who are just trying to make a living.


    For what it's worth, you could end up getting a monetary award from the IRS for reporting it.


    We are not for sure if they are illegal in the first place. This type of activities happen every where in the black market unfortunately. Prostitutes, drug dealers, related party transactions.. i think the IRS would care more about restaurant owners not paying taxes vs workers

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