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  • #3170010

    Hi all,

    I desperately need help with some decisions I should make immediately.
    Long story short, I have passed REG and BEC and my first exam expires on 12/31/2020.
    I have recently taken FAR and AUD, but barely didn’t pass both of them.
    Basically, I have only one month left to pass FAR and AUD before my first exam score expires.
    However, what makes me keep debating is that I currently have a really great government job and plan to work here as long as I can.
    The downside of it though is that there is no direct supervisor who is a CPA.
    I know to be licensed, I not only have to pass all four exams but also at least one year of work experience under the direct supervision of a CPA.
    Furthermore, my current jurisdiction is California but I have permanently moved to Texas — as far as I’ve known, there’s no difference as to work experience requirements between these two States.

    In this complicated and imminent situation I have, what would be you guys’ best advices for me to take?
    Should I still give another/last try to pass the last two exams?
    Or just drop it here since I won’t even be able to have the required work experience to get licensed?

    Thank you VERY much in advance for you guys’ help.

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  • #3170073

    Take the tests and figure out licensing after.


    You're halfway there! Don't stop now. I think you should try to pass all 4. You clearly have what it takes to pass the last 2 exams. If you let REG and BEC expire, and one day decide to try again, you'd have to retake both those exams and pass them. I agree with with the user above – pass the last 2 test (I know – easier said than done, but you CAN do this!) and figure out licensing later. Your 4 exams will NEVER expire after you pass the 4th exam, so it's still worth getting those out of the way now.


    Thank you guys so much!

    But is it really true once you pass all four exams, they won't expire?
    Don't you have to take CPE classes and pay annual membership fee to maintain it?
    What happens if you do nothing after passing all four exams?
    And what happens once you get licensed but don't keep up with the annual fee/CPE classes?


    NASBA's website states your scores won't expire (AFTER you have completed your last exam):,your%20scores%20will%20not%20expire.

    Not sure if this applies to all states, but in IL, you have to earn 120 CPE before your 2nd renewal cycle. For example: my license expires 9/30/2021. I can renew my license without CPE. But by 9/30/2024, I will need to have accumulated 120 CPE when I renew my license for the 2nd time. IL renewal periods are every 3 years.

    If you do nothing after you pass all 4 exams…I don't think anything happens (but I'll let others confirm too). I know a guy who passed all 4 exams 8 years ago, but he doesn't have the job experience, so he's not licensed. But his scores are technically still valid since they never expire.

    I think your license becomes inactive if you don't keep up with the requirements, but again I'll let others with more knowledge in this area chip in 🙂


    I agree with the others – pass the exams, then figure out licensing. I also think it's reasonable to be honest with yourself regarding passing two in one month. Would it be better to commit to one of the exams, accepting one will expire? Yes, you'd still be two short. Stretching yourself too thin may mean missing these two and still having the one expire. I still say give it a shot! Expiration isn't the end of the world either.

    Expiration of all 4 exams is a state by state issue. From my quick searching, both TX and CA scores do not expire (once passed all 4). I believe most states do not have expiration. It appears Florida, for example, has a 3 year expiration date: “Your grades will expire three years after the NASBA release date of the last exam.”

    Your other questions are going to depend on the jurisdiction in which you are licensed. Good luck! I have a deadline. I'm rooting for you too!

    WA candidate

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