Paying for meals while out on audit?

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  • #1740497

    Hey fellow auditors,

    I was just wondering how meal costs are handled at your company. I work for a small firm and do mostly audit work. I am currently on my fourth audit for the year and I’m getting tired of how expensive it has become. I live 5 minutes (walking) away from the office so when I am at the office, I actually go home for lunch. When I go out on audit, I obviously can’t go home for lunch because of distance (most of our audits are a 30 min- 1 hr drive). I can’t really bring my own lunch to an audit because I either don’t have the time to meal prep the night before or that’s simply not an option at a clients. Also, my teammates always go out for lunch and would feel like I’m not a team player if I didn’t join. I already feel like an outsider at times.
    I feel like On average, I spend around $15/day. That’s $75 per week. It doesn’t sound like much but it all adds up. In just the last three audits (since late Nov), I’ve spent over $1k on meals. That is just ridiculous especially when I feel like I’m underpaid.

    Do any of you actually get reimbursed or maybe get an allowance for meals when out on audits?

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  • Author
  • #1740533

    I think the only way you could get reimbursed for meals is if it was a business lunch. Meaning – if you took the client out to lunch, then your company should reimburse you. They shouldn't reimburse you for the cost of your OWN lunch. You should definitely be packing that with your everyday, even at clients. And I don't think 1. not having time to make lunch and 2. peer pressure to eat out with your co-workers will be seen as valid reasons for reimbursement.


    I've got my PBJs in my cooler bag next to my desk.
    It's not that I can't afford to go out to eat, but the more time away from my desk, the less tax returns I can produce.

    Also, not an auditor.


    You would only be reimbursed if you are at an overnight client, where you have to to travel out of town. You are going to have to pack if you are not trying to go broke. Meal prep on Sunday and make stuff that you can eat all week. I packed each day of the week and went out with the team on Fridays. I was also fortunate to work with people that also packed most of the time with a few that went out every day to eat.

    AUD - 73, 72 retake 7/2/2016
    BEC - 8/20/2016
    REG - TBD
    FAR - TBD

    I am so ready for this nightmare to be over. Been at this way too long.


    When I was doing an internship in college I brought my lunch when out in the field because I wanted to save money. I would just eat it at the restaurant so I was still be social. Just make sure you pack things that can be eaten cold and it doesn't feel awkward if its a fast food or fast casual type of place.


    Thank you all for your response.

    Yeah yeah I know that me not having time to pack is not really an excuse. But as I mentioned, for some clients, we actually CANT bring our own lunch. As in our boss has told us not to. So at that point then what am I supposed to do? I guess I was mostly venting. Just not fair that I have to spend so much money on food. And it’s not even just the money. I try to stay in shape and every time I go on an audit, I put on weight.

    I was actually hired as a tax person so it’s not like I was warned about all the traveling/eating out that would be required. That’s probably a topic for another question though.


    If you can't bring your own lunch, I would advise you to contact authorities. I'd think starving people is against the law. If you don't mind me asking- on what grounds/reasons do they have to forbid you from bringing lunch?


    i agree you should make time to prep meals and if the client do not allow food from outside i believe in this situation you should speak with your firm regarding this to pay for the meals or negotiate with the client to get for your team exception.


    Yeah, I think you're sort of venting. There are ways around the eating out in order for it to be sensible and budget friendly. Trust me, I've done it during my audits in small towns like Sunnyside, WA and Odell, OR. Google those metropolis. I've been known to pack an extra protein bar for some audits and always try to stay in hotels with complementary breakfast that I can take an extra banana or apple or maybe even a yogurt with me in my briefcase.


    Sorry but, there ain't no such thing as a free lunch (couldn't resist!). While home prepped meals may not be as glamorous as eating out, it's a great way to take control of your diet and what goes into your body. Salads are perfect for home prep, the ingredients are cheap, they keep well over time and best of all, you are eating healthy.


    Your company can expense your lunches if it chooses to do would need approval obviously but that is what an expense account is for.

    When I worked on audits the partner would buy us lunch everyday we were out.

    Now I work for a strict tax office and they reimburse us dinner up to a certain amount each night we stay past 10.

    Future CPA's shouldnt have to ask these questions.

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