OT: "You'll pass!"

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  • #173232

    I know there is already a thread on stupid things people say to you as you are trying to pass the CPA exam. However, I believe this term alone deserves it’s own thread!

    “You’ll pass!”

    We’d all be rich if we received a dollar anytime we heard that phrase while waiting for scores to release.

    It’s just so facetious! You know what? I may not pass! Yeah it really sucks when you don’t pass, but it’s a fact of life while taking this exam.

    Just say good luck and move along.

    Ok, sorry, rant over. Just needed to get that off my back. I do understand people are well meaning and just trying to be nice, but really saying that is meaningless and a platitude.

    Good luck to all waiting on their scores in this next release! You’ll pass, I’m sure.

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  • #362382

    Would you rather …


    2)Spot a Chupacabra on the horizon


    Dude, don't worry. I'm sure you passed that REG. 🙂

    FAR - 85 November 2011
    AUD - 81 January 2012
    REG - 68 March 2012
    BEC - 86 April 2012
    REG - 92 July 2012


    @Jeff Well if I capture that Chupacabra sighting on the horizon on video, it could increase my wealth significantly in the short term! But as we all know passing the CPA exam has greater ROI. 😉


    Well it probably beats “Don't bother checking your score, because I'm sure you failed”.


    Wow Sandra – someone actually said that to you?? That is low. And just so confidence inspiring at the same time = Well luckily we have this forum to vent and support each other!


    Well the good news is you WILL pass, some of us just get more shots at it than others….

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    No- thats never really been said to me (although some people on this forum have said that I'll likely score in the 60's and should keep my mouth shut- but thats another story. hahaha). I was just saying that “you'll pass” is better than saying “you will fail”.


    I agree, it is extremely annoying, because it trivializes the amount of time/effort it takes to complete the exam. That, and “you'll be fine.” I know people are trying to be nice, but I could use a little more sympathy over here! Ha.

    BEC: (4/2012) 88
    AUD: (5/2012) 91
    REG: (8/2012) 82
    FAR: (1/2013) 78 🙂

    VA CPA #42010


    And worst of all, “You're smart. You'll be fine/pass.” Yeah I'm “smart” but I failed 2 sections already (possibly 3, we'll see when BEC scores come out). What now? I really want to punch the next person who says that because I'm “smart” I'll pass. You do not pass this test because you are smart. You pass this test because you put in a huge amount of effort and time.

    REG- 53, 91
    BEC- 88
    FAR- 62, 85
    AUD- 85

    Ethics- 93


    My friend told me the same thing and then followed it up with “well if you didn't pass I feel bad for everyone else”, I had to tell her that you only 45% of people pass this thing and I didn't feel great about my chances on one section (AUD) that I had just taken.

    B- 8/13/2012- 92
    A- 7/19/2012- 83
    R- 5/30/2012-82
    F- 7/3/2012- 90

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